Connectionists: NIPS2011 satellite meeting on causal graphs -- program and registration open

Daniele Marinazzo daniele.marinazzo at
Wed Nov 2 12:53:16 EDT 2011

Good morning, and apologies for cross posting.

The program of the talks for NIPS 2011 satellite meeting on Causal
Graphs - Linking brain structure to function is now complete (see

Registrations are open, poster submissions are welcome.

The full list of abstracts and all the relevant information can be
found on NIPS website (


Dec 11, 2011. Carmen de la Victoria, Granada
NIPS 2011 satellite meeting on Causal Graphs

9.00 Registration and Breakfast

Morning Session I – Chair Miguel Angel Muñoz
9:30 :Welcome and Local Information
9:40: Stefano Panzeri – Causality analysis in information flow from
cortical time series
10:20: Bert Kappen - The binary Garrote
10:40: Bjorn Roelstraete - Does Partial Granger Causality really
eliminate the influence of exogenous inputs and latent variables?
11:00:  Stefan Haufe - New methods for EEG source connectivity analysis

11:20: Coffee break

Morning Session II – Chair Jesus Cortes
11:40: Daniele Marinazzo - Causal information approach to coping with
a large number of variables
12:00: Jan Kujala - Characterization of epileptogenic networks by
means of Granger Causality
12:20: Daniel Chicharro - Causal effects between brain regions:
existence and quantification
12:40: Shahar Jamshy - Band-limited Granger causality analysis of
human electrocorticography
13:00: Karim Jerbi - Measuring long-range neuronal coupling with
magnetoencephalography and intracranial EEG: From basic neuroscience
to clinical applications

13:20: Lunch – Coffee – Poster presentation

Afternoon Session I – Chair Daniele Marinazzo
14:50: Markus Kaiser – The human connectome
15:30: Michael Wibral - Combining interaction-latency reconstruction
based on transfer entropy with    graph-theoretical approaches to
prune neural connectivity graphs
15:50: Jaime Gomez - Explaining the causal link between place cells
and grid cells with category theory
16:10: Derin Babacan - Variational Bayesian Causal Connectivity
Analysis for fMRI

16:30: Coffee break

Afternoon Session II – Chair Sebino Stramaglia
16:50: Pieter van Mierlo - Epileptogenic focus localization through
functional connectivity analysis of the intracranial EEG
17:10: Christian Moewes - Brain connectivity associated with different
damages of the visual system
17:30: Jesus Cortes - Reorganisation of functional networks during
aging: novel insights from graph theory
17:50: Anil Seth – Causality in neuroscience
18:30: Discussion and concluding remarks – Chair Andrea Greve

Daniele Marinazzo --
Department of Data Analysis, Gent University
Henri Dunantlaan 1, B-9000 Gent, Belgium
+32 (0) 9 264 6375
-- NIPS 2011 satellite - Causal graphs: Linking brain structure to function
- Granada, 11 Dec 2011 --
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