Connectionists: call for participation/contribution to 3rd Beijing International Symposium on Computational Neuroscience July 13-14th, 2011

Dr Zhaoping Li zhaoping at
Fri Mar 25 08:07:32 EDT 2011

This symposium will be held on July 13-14, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 


An intensive, high quality, two day symposium on computational 
neuroscience, organized by Tsinghua University Medical School, will 
feature presentations of theories, models, and theory/model- motivated 
experiments in neuroscience. Most presentations will be contributed 
posters, allowing extensive interactions and exchanges between 
participants. Additionally, there will be two tutorials and a few invited 
oral presentations (see below). The topics of interests include, but are 
not limited to, computational theories and models of vision or other 
sensory processes, motor control, learning, memory, and decision making; 
physiological and psychological experiments to test or develop 
computational theories, such as electrophysiology to test theories of 
visual attention, and human psychophysics to explore models of visual 
adaptation, inference, and perceptual learning; inter-disciplinary 
investigations in neural encoding and decoding, learning and plasticity, 
neural circuits and networks, etc. This symposium aims to encourage 
interaction between computational and experimental communities, and 
between  the regional and international communities of computational 
neuroscience, and to foster and encourage interest among students and 
young researchers in this field. We hope that such interactions and 
exchanges will lead to collaborations between participants.

Invited Tutorial and symposium speakers:

Invited Tutorial speakers

Jeremy Wolfe —  Visual search, experiments and models
Mitsuo Kawato —- Computational motor control and BMI
There will be two hours of lectures on each topic on July 13th.

Invited Symposium Speakers include:
Mitsuo Kawato (ATR, Japan)   —- Perceptual learning incepted by decoded 
fMRI neurofeedback without visual stimulus presentation
Guosong Liu (Tsinghua University, China)  — Enhancement of cognition
Fred Wolf (Max Planck Institute for dynamics and self-organization, 
Goettingen, Germany)  — Title to be announced.

Some names of the participants and contributors are
Fang Fang (Peking University, China),
Barbara Gilliam (University of New South Wales, Australia)
Bo Hong (Tsinghua University, China),
Zili Liu (UCLA, USA)
Zuxiang Liu (Institute of biophysics, academic sinica, China)
*Hiro Nakahara (RIKEN, Japan),
Ning Qian (Columbia University, US),
Sen Song (Tsinghua University, China),
Taro Toyoizumi (RIKEN, Japan)
*Doris Tsao (Caltech, USA)
*Misha Tsodyks (Weismann Institute, Israel)
Katsumi Watanabe (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Si Wu (Institute of Neuroscience, China),
Cong Yu (Beijing Normal University, China)
Li Zhaoping (University College London, UK/Tsinghua University, China).
(*, not confirmed)

Symposium committee: Bo Hong, Ning Qian, Sen Song, and Li Zhaoping.

For information for the past symposium (2009 and 2010), see   and

Call for contributions and participations:

Researchers and students are encouraged to contribute and participate in 
the symposium. Registration is required, early registration is recommended 
if you want to secure a place. To contribute a poster presentation, please 
submit an abstract (max 200 words) together with a one to two A4 page 
summary of the work in a pdf file at the registration website. Submission 
deadline is June 10th, 2010. The submissions will be reviewed by the 
symposium committee. Limited travel support funds are available to help 
some Chinese students and young researchers to participate in the 
symposium. Preference will be given to those who present their work. 
Please contact the symposium organization to apply for financial 
assistance for travel if needed.


Registration is required to participate in the symposium, early 
registration is recommended if you want to secure a place. The 
registration is free for students who do not sign up for symposium dinner. 
For non-students, the registration costs 450 yuan (about 69 US dollars), 
or 200 yuan for students who like to sign up for symposium dinner. 
Receipts will be provided for all registration payments (payable ASAP or 
when you arrive at the symposium) received.


Please go to Registration to submit poster contributions. Each submission 
requires an abstract (max 200 words) and a summary (1-2 A4 pages in a pdf 
file) of the work. Submission deadline is June 1st, 2010.
The submissions will be reviewed by the symposium committee with decision 
about one week after the deadline.

Enquiries: Please email biscon11 at, or, for urgent enquiries to 
lizhaoping at

Tsinghua University Medical school, Tsinghua University Computational 
Neuroscience Laboratory,  Tsinghua University.

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