Connectionists: Springer's Cognitive Computation journal: Table of Contents, Vol.3, No.1 / March 2011 issue
Dr Amir Hussain
ahu at
Mon Mar 21 17:54:55 EDT 2011
Dear Colleagues: (with advance apologies for any cross-postings!)
We are delighted to announce the publication of Volume 3, No. 1 / March 2011, (Special Issue on: Saliency, Attention, Active Visual Search and Picture Scanning, edited by John Taylor and Vassilis Cutsuridis) of Springer's Cognitive Computation journal -
The individual list of published articles (Table of Contents) for Vol. 3,
No. 1 / March 2011, can be found at the end of this message (followed by
an overview of the previous Issues/Archive).
A list of the most downloaded articles can be found here:
Other 'Online First' published articles not yet in a print issue can be
viewed here:
Reminder: New Cognitive Computation "LinkedIn" Group:
To further strengthen the bonds amongst the interdisciplinary audience of
Cognitive Computation, we have set-up a "Cognitive Computation LinkedIn
group", which has 100+ members already! We warmly invite you to join us at:!
For further information on the journal and to sign up for electronic "Table
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For any questions with regards to LinkedIn and/or Twitter, please contact
Springer's Publishing Editor: Dr. Martijn Roelandse: martijn.roelandse at
Finally, we would like to invite you to submit short or regular papers
describing original research or timely review of important areas - our aim
is to peer review all papers within approximately four weeks of receipt. We
also welcome relevant high quality proposals for Special Issues (four are
already planned for 2011-12!).
With our very best wishes to all aspiring readers and authors of Cognitive
Amir Hussain, PhD (Editor-in-Chief: Cognitive Computation) E-mail:
ahu at
Igor Aleksander, PhD (Honorary Editor-in-Chief: Cognitive Computation)
John Taylor, PhD (Chair, Advisory Board: Cognitive Computation)
Table of Contents: Springer's Cognitive Computation, Vol.3, No.1 / Mar 2011
Special Issue: Saliency, Attention, Active Visual Search and Picture Scanning
Guest Editors: John G. Taylor and Vassilis Cutsuridis
Special Issue Editorial: Saliency, Attention, Active Visual Search, and Picture Scanning
John G. Taylor and Vassilis Cutsuridis
Editorial Notes
John G. Taylor and Vassilis Cutsuridis
Clustering of Gaze During Dynamic Scene Viewing is Predicted by Motion
Parag K. Mital, Tim J. Smith, Robin L. Hill and John M. Henderson
Salience in Paintings: Bottom-Up Influences on Eye Fixations
Isabella Fuchs, Ulrich Ansorge, Christoph Redies and Helmut Leder
Medium Spatial Frequencies, a Strong Predictor of Salience
Fabrice Urban, Brice Follet, Christel Chamaret, Olivier Le Meur and Thierry Baccino
If Visual Saliency Predicts Search, Then Why? Evidence from Normal and Gaze-Contingent Search Tasks in Natural Scenes
Tom Foulsham and Geoffrey Underwood
See What I'm Saying? Expertise and Verbalisation in Perception and Imagery of Complex Scenes
Katherine Humphrey and Geoffrey Underwood
Eye Movements Show Optimal Average Anticipation with Natural Dynamic Scenes
Eleonora Vig, Michael Dorr, Thomas Martinetz and Erhardt Barth
Insights into the Function and Mechanism of Saccadic Decision Making >From Targets Scaled By an Estimate of the Cortical Magnification Factor
David J. Yates and Tom Stafford
An Image Statistics-Based Model for Fixation Prediction
Victoria Yanulevskaya, Jan Bernard Marsman, Frans Cornelissen and Jan-Mark Geusebroek
Gathering and Retaining Visual Information Over Recurring Fixations: A Model
Michal Jacob and Shaul Hochstein
Dynamic, Task-Related and Demand-Driven Scene Representation
Sven Rebhan and Julian Eggert
Biased Competition in Visual Processing Hierarchies: A Learning Approach Using Multiple Cues
Alexander R. T. Gepperth, Sven Rebhan, Stephan Hasler and Jannik Fritsch
Spatiotemporal Features for Action Recognition and Salient Event Detection
Konstantinos Rapantzikos, Yannis Avrithis and Stefanos Kollias
Modelling Visual Search with the Selective Attention for Identification Model (VS-SAIM): A Novel Explanation for Visual Search Asymmetries
Dietmar Heinke and Andreas Backhaus
A Novel Framework for the Analysis of Eye Movements during Visual Search for Knowledge Gathering
Laura Dempere-Marco, Xiaopeng Hu and Guang-Zhong Yang
Predicting Eye Fixations on Complex Visual Stimuli Using Local Symmetry
Gert Kootstra, Bart de Boer and Lambert R. B. Schomaker
A Spatiotemporal Saliency Model for Video Surveillance
Tong Yubing, Faouzi Alaya Cheikh, Fahad Fazal Elahi Guraya, Hubert Konik and Alain Trémeau
Adaptive Gaze Control for Object Detection
G. C. H. E. de Croon, E. O. Postma and H. J. van den Herik
A Dynamic Neural Field Approach to the Covert and Overt Deployment of Spatial Attention
Jeremy Fix, Nicolas Rougier and Frederic Alexandre
A Top-Down and Bottom-Up Component of Visual Attention
Gerald S. Wasserman, Amanda R. Bolbecker, Jia Li and Corrinne C. M. Lim-Kessler
Foveal Attention and Inhibition of Return: A Model for the Generation of Perceptual Scan Paths
Winfried A. Fellenz
The Role of Attention in the Context of Associative Memory
Andreas Wichert
Selective Attention and Consciousness: Investigating Their Relation Through Computational Modelling
Kleanthis C. Neokleous, Marios N. Avraamides, Costas K. Neocleous and Christos N. Schizas
Previous Issues/Archive: Overview
The full listing of the Inaugural Vol. 1, No. 1 / March 2009, can be viewed
here (which included invited authoritative reviews by leading researchers in
their areas - including keynote papers from London University's John Taylor,
Igor Aleksander and Stanford University's James McClelland, and invited
papers from Ron Sun, Pentti Haikonen, Geoff Underwood, Kevin Gurney,
Claudius Gross, Anil Seth and Tom Ziemke):
The full listing of Vol. 1, No. 2 / June 2009, can be viewed here (which
included invited reviews and original research contributions from leading
researchers, including Giacomo Indiveri, Rodney Douglas, Jurgen Schmidhuber,
Thomas Wennekers, Pentti Kanerva and Friedemann Pulvermuller):
The full listing of Vol.1, No. 3 / Sep 2009, can be viewed here:
The full listing of Vol. 1, No. 4 / Dec 2009, can be viewed here:
The full listing of Vol.2, No. 1 / March 2010, can be viewed here:
The full listing of Vol.2, No. 2 / June 2010, can be viewed here:
The full listing of Vol.2, No. 3 / Aug 2010, can be viewed here:
The full listing of Vol.2, No. 4 / Dec 2010, can be viewed here:
The Sunday Times Scottish University of the Year 2009/2010
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland,
number SC 011159.
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