Connectionists: faculty position in computational neuroscience at CMU
Dave_Touretzky at
Sat Jan 15 07:10:28 EST 2011
When I posted this position announcement two weeks ago, it appears
people were misled by the January 1 deadline for "initial
consideration". We are still seeking applicants, and we invite
qualified persons to apply. There will be a cutoff at some point, but
if you're interested in the position, it is not too late to get your
materials in (but do so promptly).
-- Dr. David S. Touretzky
Research Professor
Computer Science Department &
Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891
tel. 412-268-7561
Faculty Opportunities: Computational Neuroscience
The Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition (CNBC) and the School of
Computer Science (SCS) at Carnegie Mellon University are jointly
soliciting applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of
Assistant Professor in computational neuroscience and computer science
(including the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and
We are particularly interested in applicants who build computational
models of brain processes, who apply machine learning to model neural
data, or who develop computational models of learning in biological
systems. The specific research program can cover any aspect of
cognition, including perception, memory, language, or the planning and
coordination of action.
The faculty appointment will be joint between the CNBC and the most
relevant of several departments within SCS, including the Computer
Science Department, the Machine Learning Department, and the Robotics
Institute. Regardless of appointment, we expect a successful candidate
to collaborate with experimentalists, who may use any of a variety of
techniques, including two-photon imaging, multiunit electrophysiology,
fMRI, MEG, EEG, and behavioral psychophysics. Candidates must have
evidence of compelling research contributions and a commitment to high
quality teaching. Carnegie Mellon University is an affirmative
action/equal opportunity employer.
The deadline for initial review of applications is January 1, 2011, but
later applications will be considered until the position is
filled. Applications, including a cover letter, a CV, a statement of
teaching philosophy, a statement of research interests, copies of no
more than 3 relevant papers, and the contact information for at least
three individuals who have been asked to provide letters of reference
should be submitted electronically â in PDF format â to the following
email address: faculty-search at Please include the subject
line "Application Submission" with your application. Applications should
indicate citizenship and, for non-US citizens, current visa status. Only
complete applications in pdf format will be processed.
Applicants should also arrange for reference letters in PDF format to be
sent directly to faculty-search at before January 15th, 2011.
More information regarding this search may be found at: If you encounter
technical problems, please write to faculty-search at
Additional information about the CNBC may be found at
Additional information about the School of Computer Science may be found at
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