Connectionists: postdoc position in (computational) consciousness science

Anil Seth a.k.seth at
Tue Feb 22 14:02:22 EST 2011

A two-year full-time post-doctoral position is available within the 
Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science (SCCS), starting in Spring 
2011, closing date for applications *Feb 28 2011*. This research 
initiative is funded by the large-scale EU project 'collective 
experience of empathic data systems' (CEEDS, see 
<>). You will work with Dr. Anil Seth 
(Principal Investigator and SCCS co-director) and other researchers in 
the group, on developing and testing a theoretical model of the 
neurocognitive mechanisms underpinning conscious presence.

CEEDS is a large-scale (FP7, ICT) project funded by a 6.9M EUR grant 
from the EU and comprising 16 European partners. Its primary aim is to 
develop novel, integrated technologies to support human experience, 
analysis, and understanding of very large datasets. The available post 
will focus on /development of//a theoretical model of conscious 
presence/. Presence is a key dimension structuring conscious experience, 
but one that requires explanation. In virtual reality, researchers try 
to engender conscious presence in simulated environment. Conversely, 
certain psychiatric disorders (e.g., depersonalization, derealisation) 
selectively affect conscious presence.  A possible starting point is to 
integrate concepts of expectation and prediction error with models of 
autonomic/emotional responses to environmental stimuli, though other 
directions are also possible. The successful applicant will develop a 
model to a degree allowing experimental testing (via neuroimaging and 
other behavioural methods available at Sussex and within the CEEDS 
consortium).  Candidates will also be expected to contribute as needed 
to other aspects of the CEEDS project that lie within its main 
scientific remit.

Candidates must have a PhD or equivalent degree in a quantitative 
science discipline. Prior postdoctoral experience is preferred, as are 
candidates with a strong background in neural modelling/analysis.

*I (Anil) will be at Cosyne so let me know by email if you want to 
arrange a meeting*

For more about the SCCS see 
<>. For more information on the research 
background see <> and <>. For informal 
inquiries please contact Dr. Anil Seth, School of Informatics, 
University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QJ, UK; 
a.k.seth at <mailto:a.k.seth at>.  For full details 
and how to apply see <>

Anil K. Seth, D.Phil.
Co-Director, Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science
School of Informatics, University of Sussex,
Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9QJ, UK
W:, T: +44 1273 678549,

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