Connectionists: New Open Scholarpedia (Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience)

Eugene Izhikevich Eugene.Izhikevich at
Fri Dec 30 16:59:30 EST 2011

Scholarpedia - the peer-reviewed open access encyclopedia - has changed its rules to facilitate participation of experts and their students.

As before, articles in Scholarpedia are written, peer-reviewed, and curated by the world's top experts and original inventors, who used to be invited by the editor-in-chief. 

Now, any user can nominate himself to write an article on any topic of his expertise. However, the user must obtain "sponsorship" from at least 2 existing Scholarpedia curators who would validate that the user is indeed the top world expert on the topic. (The number of required "sponsorships"  is set to 1 temporarily).

The new mechanism allows students and postdocs to pair-up with the greatest living experts to get sponsorship and co-author articles. 

Whereas the student's reward is an extra peer-review article with a famous person, the community benefits from having more topics covered by leading experts.

More details are at

Dr. Eugene M. Izhikevich - Editor-in-chief of Scholarpedia.

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