Connectionists: 2 positions to work on the neural basis of 3D vision

Zoe Kourtzi z.kourtzi at
Mon Aug 15 11:07:05 EDT 2011

1 Post-doc + 1 research assistant position,
School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, UK

2 positions available to work on the neural basis of 3D vision.

The projects examine the processing pathways that support 3D perception, combining psychophysics, brain imaging, modelling and computational analysis. Current projects have particular focus on the cortical representation of binocular disparity, and the integration of disparity with other depth cues.

The School of Psychology has a state-of-the-art Imaging Centre (3T MRI scanner), EEG systems, TMS systems and access to screened neuropsychological patients. It is one of the UK's top research departments with excellent groups in Behavioural Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience and Vision Science. There is also potential to carry out work at 7T (Sir Peter Mansfield centre, University of Nottingham).

Applicants interested in the research assistant position should have graduated relatively recently, and be interested in pursuing a longer term research career. The deadline for this position is 26th July 2011.

Applicants interested in the post-doc position should have a background in Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience, Computer Science, Engineering, Physics or a related field. Previous experience of brain imaging is highly desirable and evidence of strong programming skills and signal processing experience is essential.

Informal enquiries should be addressed to Dr Andrew Welchman (a.e.welchman at<mailto:a.e.welchman at>) in the first instance.
Applications should include a CV, brief statement of research interests, and the names of 3 referees.

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