Connectionists: Postdoc / RA position in New York (Hakwan Lau Lab, Columbia University)

Hakwan Lau hakwan at
Wed Aug 3 12:35:41 EDT 2011

Our laboratory at Columbia University (Manhattan, New York City) is looking
for a postdoc / research assistant with background in computational
neuroscience or mathematical psychology, to help to develop models of
attention and conscious perception that are driven by recent novel
psychophysics findings in the laboratory. There will also be opportunity to
develop experiments to directly test these models. The candidate should be
interested in and familiar with some of the following topics, ideally as
reflected by first-authored publications:
- perceptual decision making (mathematical models and physiological basis)
- the effects of noise and noise correlations in population coding and
- visual attention
- confidence ratings in psychophysical tasks
- peripheral vision
Interested candidates please send along a CV to Hakwan Lau (hakwan at
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