Connectionists: Final Call for Papers: 7th International Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning (NeSy11 at IJCAI 2011)
Pascal Hitzler
pascal.hitzler at
Mon Apr 11 23:25:10 EDT 2011
7th International Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning
Following the success of NeSy 2010 at AAAI, Atlanta, please find below a
call for papers for NeSy 2011, which will take place in conjunction with
IJCAI, Barcelona, 17 July 2011.
(A NeSy'10 workshop report is available at
The Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning attracts
researchers and practitioners from different areas such as Neural
Computation, Artificial Intelligence, Logic, Complex Networks, Cognitive
Science, Computer Vision, Fraud Prevention, Semantic Web, Verification
and Validation. NeSy is intended to create an atmosphere of exchange of
ideas, providing a forum for the presentation and discussion of the key
multidisciplinary topics related to neural-symbolic integration. Topics
of interest include:
1. Representation and computation of symbolic knowledge by neural
2. Machine learning for neural-symbolic networks;
3. Knowledge extraction from complex networks;
4. Logical reasoning in neural-symbolic networks;
5. New neuro-symbolic cognitive models;
6. Uncertainty in neural-symbolic networks;
7. Biologically-inspired neuro-symbolic integration;
8. Applications in robotics, simulation, fraud prevention, semantic web,
fault diagnosis, bioinformatics, etc.
You are invited to submit papers in pdf format through easychair
Submitted papers must not have been published elsewhere and should not
exceed 6 pages in the case of research and experience papers or 3 pages
in the case of position papers. All submitted papers will be refereed
based on their quality, relevance, originality, significance and soundness.
Keynote Talk
Robert Kowalski:
The Connection Graph method as a Symbolic-Connectionist Model of the Mind
Accepted papers must be presented during the workshop. The workshop will
also include extra time for discussion, allowing the audience to get a
better understanding of the issues, challenges and ideas being presented.
Accepted papers will be published by CEUR and will be included in the
official workshop proceedings, which will be distributed during the
workshop. Authors of the best papers will be invited to submit a revised
and extended version of their paper to the Journal of Logic and
Computation, reasoning and learning corner, A. S. d'Avila Garcez and L.
Valiant (eds.), Oxford University Press.
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: 18 April 2011
Notification of acceptance: 13 May 2011
Camera-ready paper due: 20 May 2011
Workshop date: 17 July 2011
IJCAI-11 dates: 16 to 22 July 2011
Workshop Organisers
Artur d.Avila Garcez (City University London, UK)
Pascal Hitzler (Kno.e.sis Center, Wright State University, Dayton, USA)
Luis C. Lamb (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
Programme Committee
Sebastian Bader, University of Rostock, Germany
Howard Blair, Syracuse University, New York, U.S.A.
Claudia d'Amato, University of Bari, Italy
Ben Goertzel, Novamente LLC, U.S.A.
Barbara Hammer, TU Clausthal, Germany
Ioannis Hatzilygeroudis, University of Patras, Greece
Steffen Hölldobler, TU Dresden, Germany
Henrik Jacobsson, Google
Kristian Kersting, Fraunhofer IAIS, Sankt Augustin, Germany
Ekaterina Komendantskaya, Sophia Antipolis, France
Kai-Uwe Kühnberger, University of Osnabrück, Germany
Florian Roehrbein, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, U.S.A.
Anthony K. Seda, University College Cork, Ireland
Hava Siegelmann, University of Massachusetts Amherst, U.S.A.
Ron Sun, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York, U.S.A.
Frank van der Velde, Leiden University, The Netherlands
Gerson Zaverucha, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Workshop Website:
Prof. Dr. Pascal Hitzler
Dept. of Computer Science, Wright State University, Dayton, OH
pascal at
Semantic Web Textbook:
Semantic Web Journal:
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