Connectionists: CfP: Workshop on Pattern Recognition in NeuroImaging
Yukiyasu Kamitani
kmtn at
Thu Sep 30 04:02:28 EDT 2010
Dear Colleagues, please accept our apologies for multiple postings.
International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging (PRNI 2011)
Seoul, Korea, May 16-18, 2011
Pattern recognition and machine learning techniques provide
a new way to analyze complex and huge brain imaging datasets.
Many challenges are also present in other applications of pattern
recognition, such as non-stationary distributions, model regularisation,
high-dimensional time series, or causality modeling.
Following the success of the first Workshop on Brain Decoding
(Istanbul, 2010), this three-day workshop aims at providing an opportunity
for discussing recent advances in methods and applications, while trying to
narrow the gap between imaging modalities. A subfield where discussion is
of special interest is that of real-time methods, as they are at the
confluence of modalities (EEG/fMRI) and at the forefront of machine
learning research (incremental learning, non-i.i.d. data). Interpretability
of classification and regression machines is also critical to increasing
interactions between methods and application-oriented researchers, and is
of particular interest for this workshop.
Several travel scholarships will be available for Ph.D. students and
post-docs, and will be awarded competitively based on reviewer scores
of the papers.
Keynote speakers will include
Stephen Strother (University of Toronto, Canada)
Stephen LaConte (Baylor College of Medicine, USA)
The workshop welcomes original contributions using relevant modalities
(e.g. functional/structural MRI, EEG, ECoG, MEG) including the following
* Data representation
Voxel / channel / feature selection
Linear and non-linear dimensionality reduction
Sparse time-course representations
Interpretability and validation
* High-dimensional learning
Transfer learning
Multimodal / ensemble classification
Incremental / online learning and adaptation
* Applications
Cognitive, affective, and social neurosciences
Man-machine interfaces
Clinical applications
Authors should prepare full 4-pages papers (double-column, IEEE style).
Extended abstract are not accepted. The review process will be double-blind.
Proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Science Society in
electronic format. They will be permantently available on the IEEExplore
and IEEE CS Digital Library online repositories, and indexed in IEE
INSPEC, EI Compendex (Elsevier), Thomson ISI, and others.
Full paper submission: December 1st, 2010
Acceptance notification: January 15th, 2011
Travel scholarship notification: January 15th, 2011
Camera-ready paper: February 15th, 2011
Workshop: May 16-18, 2011
R. Abugharbieh (U. of British Columbia, CA)
T. Adali (U. of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA)
J. Ashburner (UCL, UK)
B. Blankertz (TU Berlin, DE)
M. Brammer (King's College London, UK)
V. Calhoun (Yale, USA)
C. Chu (NIH, USA)
T. Ethofer (U. T(IC<(Bbingen, DE)
C. Gaser (U. Jena, DE)
P. Golland (MIT, USA)
L. Grosenick (Stanford, USA)
G. Hamarneh (Simon Fraser U., CA)
D. Hardoon (Inst. for Infocomm Research, SG)
T. Jiang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, CN)
K. Kryszczuk (IBM Research, CH)
G. Langs (MIT, USA)
F. Lotte (A*STAR, SG)
A. Marquand (UCL, UK)
J. Meynet (Bestofmedia Group, FR)
J. Sato (Federal U. of ABC, BR)
S. Schwartz (U. of Geneva, CH)
N. Schuff (UCSF, USA)
B. Thirion (Neurospin, FR)
P. Vemuri (Mayo Clinic, USA)
P. Vuilleumier (U. of Geneva, CH)
M. Van Hulle (K.U. Leuven, BE)
General Chairs: S.-W Lee (Korea University, KR), C. Davatzikos (U. of
Pennsylvania, USA), D. Van De Ville (EPFL/U. of Geneva, CH)
Program Chairs: J. Richiardi (EPFL/U. of Geneva, CH), J. Mour(IC#(Bo-Miranda
(UCL/King's College, UK), Y. Kamitani (ATR, JP)
Tutorial Chair: F. Pereira (Princeton U., USA)
Local Arrangements Chair: J.-H. Lee (Korea University, KR)
Publication Chair: C. Wallraven (Korea University, KR)
Finance Chair: J. Kwag (Korea University, KR)
Registration Chair: S.-P. Kim (Korea University, KR)
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