Connectionists: The 2010 Monte Verita' Workshop: Frontiers in Neuroengineering
Michele Giugliano
mgiugliano at
Sat May 1 05:12:26 EDT 2010
Dear Colleagues,
Michele Giugliano (U Antwerp), Henry Markram (EPFL), and Laura Ballerini (U Trieste)
are organizing
*The 2010 Monte Verita' Workshop: Frontiers in Neuroengineering*
Ascona, Switzerland,*September 5-9th, 2010*
Neuroengineering is a rapidly growing discipline that takes its lymph from
the increasing cross-fertilization of many areas of technology and science.
By means of neuroengineering, advances in diverse technologies and in cellular
and molecular biology converge into powerful tools to improve our understanding
and treatment of neural (dis)functions.
Recently such a discipline has gone beyond the concept of a simple application
of engineering principles to central nervous system (CNS) comprehension, leading
to the emergence of one of the more exciting interdisciplinary research fields
in modern neurosciences.
Neuroengineering applies novel approaches to the study of the brain by bringing
together tools from computational neuroscience, information theory, electronics,
electrophysiology, biomaterials, nanotechnologies and tissue engineering, towards
*understanding, repairing, replacing, enhancing, and exploiting* the electrical
properties of the nervous system.
Understanding the brain is one of the key grand challenges of modern science.
In Neuroengineering such challenge extends from fundamental research on computation
in the central nervous system to new frontiers in neural prosthetics.
Because of its cultural tradition and its special atmosphere, Monte Verita' is the
ideal settings to bring together students, researchers, professionals and world-
leaders of a discipline that is not any longer in its infancy and that is becoming
fully mature.
*== First Call for Papers ==
We invite Authors to participate with contributions in all topics related to Neuroengineering,
from novel (nano)materials interfacing the nervous system or as tools for basic research, to
novel enabling technologies, and from basic neurobiology and electrophysiology to neuroprosthetics.
We aim at covering topics across levels of investigations, from the single-neuron to the network-
and the system levels.
*The workshop will consist of invited speakers and registered participants, though it will
be limited to a maximum of 100 people.
The workshop will include extra time for audience discussion of the presentations, allowing
the group to have intense debates and creative discussions on the issues, challenges, and
the new ideas in the field.
Depending on the number and quality of the contributions, a special issue of a
journal might be organized, and selected contributions invited after the workshop, conveying and
summarizing the most important and relevant conclusions.
We are in close contact with previous and new sponsors and we are trying to setup a number
of student travel grants and best poster awards. We will keep the web site and the participants
We strongly encourage the participation of young researchers and their active and "disinhibited"
participation to the scientific meeting, to honor the cultural and historical atmosphere of the
meeting venue (
Download the workshop flierhere <> !!
*Invited speakers:
* Gabriel A. Silva, UCSD, USA
John Donoghue, Brown U, USA
Micha E. Spira, Hebrew U, Israel
Henry Markram, EPFL, Switzerland
Shimon Marom, Technion, Israel
Jessica Winter, Ohio State U, USA
Vladimir Parpura, UAB, USA
Laura Ballerini, Univ. Trieste, Italy
Sophie Pautot, U Dresden, Germany
Carmen Bartic, KULeuven, Belgium
Yahel Hanein, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Luca Berdondini, IIT, Italy
Sandro Carrara, EPFL, Switzerland
Eshel Ben-Jacob, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Michele Giugliano, U Antwerpen, Belgium
(others to be announced)
-- Important Dates --
*Early registration: June 5th, 2010
-- Submission --
All abstract should be submitted following the template, the guidelines and
the procedures indicated online, for publication in the workshop abstract book.
*All participants are required to register online.
Looking forward to meeting you in Monte Verita'!
The Workshop Organizers
Michele Giugliano, PhD
Dept. of Biomedical Sciences
University of Antwerp
Campus Drie Eiken (CDE) - D.T.532
Universiteitsplein 1
B-2610 Wilrijk (Belgium)
email:michele.giugliano at
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