Connectionists: ECVP 2010: last call

Henning Sprekeler h.sprekeler at
Thu Mar 25 05:49:24 EDT 2010

ECVP 2010, the 33rd European Conference on Visual Perception,
will take place in Lausanne, Switzerland, from August 22-26, 2010.

Abstract submission will close March 31.

ECVP 2010 will host participant-initiated symposia. Symposia proposals
should be sent to the Organizing Committee no later than March 31.

We have reserved hotel rooms available at special ECVP rates. These 
offers are valid only for a limited time, as indicated on the ECVP 
website. We strongly recommend early booking, in particular for low 
budget accommodation.

Students will benefit from reduced registration fees. Student status has 
to be proven latest by April 15. Travel fellowships will be granted 
competitively to a limited number of students from less-privileged 
countries covering registration fee, travel costs, and accommodation 
(deadline March 31).
In addition, travel fellowships of 500 EUR will be awarded to the best 
abstract submissions.

See you in Lausanne,
The ECVP 2010 Organizing Committee

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