Connectionists: Speakers and papers announced: CogSci 2010 Workshop - Compositional Connectionism in Cognitive Science II: The Localist / Distributed Dimension

Ross Gayler r.gayler at
Wed Jun 16 09:41:03 EDT 2010

Subject: Speakers and papers announced: CogSci 2010 Workshop - Compositional
Connectionism in Cognitive Science II: The Localist / Distributed Dimension

CogSci 2010 Workshop - Compositional Connectionism in Cognitive Science II:
The Localist / Distributed Dimension
Portland, Oregon, USA 11 August, 2010
Dear list members,
The aim of this workshop at the CogSci 2010 conference is to bring together
researchers working with a wide range of compositional connectionist models,
independent of application domain, with a focus on what commitments (if any)
each  model makes to localist or distributed representation.  We expect
vigorous and exciting debate on this issue.
The speakers and papers have been selected (listed below) and the full
abstracts are available at

- Chris Eliasmith (Plenary)
  How to build a brain: From single neurons to cognition
- John Hummel (Plenary)
  The proper treatment of symbols in a neural architecture
- Jeff Bowers
  What is a grandmother cell? And how would you know if you found one?
- Cynthia Henderson & James McClelland
  Complementary object processing systems: 
  A PDP model of the simultaneous perception of multiple objects
- Trent Kriete & David C. Noelle
  Generalization benefits of output gating in a model of prefrontal cortex 
- Mark Reimers
  Compositional connectionism - the view from biology
- Patrick Simen
  A hybrid distributed/localist architecture for sequential decision making
- Frank van der Velde & Marc de Kamps
  Compositional connectionist structures based on in situ grounded


The workshop is open to all registered attendees of the CogSci conference.
Registration is now open and details are available at
A late fee of US$100 applies after 7 July, 2010.


7 July, 2010:       Last day before registration late fee applies
11 August, 2010:    Workshop
12-14 August, 2020: CogSci 2010 conference

Simon D. Levy
Associate Professor and Department Head
Computer Science Department
407 Parmly Hall
Washington&  Lee University
Lexington, VA 24450
540-458-8419 (voice)
540-458-8255 (fax)
levys at

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