Connectionists: Surrey Summer School on Computational Intelligence – Theory and Industrial Applications
Yaochu.Jin at
Wed Jun 9 07:32:08 EDT 2010
Call for Participation
2010 IEEE-CIS / Surrey Summer School on Computational Intelligence – Theory and Industrial Applications
August 9-13, 2010, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
1. Aim and Target
It is our pleasure to call for participation to the 2010 IEEE-CIS / Surrey Summer School on Computational Intelligence – Theory and Industry Applications (SSS-TIA’2010). The main goal of the summer school is to provide senior undergraduate students, M.Sc. or PhD students, academics, and engineers from industry with hands-on knowledge on sophisticated CI algorithms and methods, most recent advances and developments in CI research, and substantial examples of successful CI applications to solving industry problems, thereby strengthening the connection between academia and industry. The courses will be given by both leading CI researchers from academia and experienced CI practitioners and managers from major industry. The summer school is co-sponsored by University of Surrey and the Education Committee of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society.
2. Courses and Lecturers
The courses consist of five modules of Computational Intelligence Methods (CIM), and five modules of Computational Intelligence Applications (CIA). Each CIM module is composed of two 1.5-hour lectures, while each CIA consists of one 2-hour lecture. The following speakers have already confirmed to give a lecture at SSS-TIA’2010:
• Prof. Xin Yao, University of Birmingham, UK
• Prof. Erkki Oja, Aalto University, Finland
• Dr Ke Chen, Manchester University, UK
• Dr Xiaojun Zeng, Manchester University, UK
• Dr Ricardo Baeza-Yates, VP for EMEA & LatAm, Yahoo! Research Barcelona
• Prof. Dr Bernhard Sendhoff, Honda Research Europe
• Dr Thomas Runkler, Siemens AG, Corporate Technology, Germany
• Dr Danil Prokhorov, Toyota Technical Center, USA
3. Registration and Accommodation
The registration fee includes registration of the lectures, lunch and coffee during the breaks. We will be able to provide a limited number of rooms within our campus accommodation. The rate for these rooms including breakfast is 42.55 GBP per night. Late registration is possible, but we cannot guarantee the availability of campus accommodation. The registration fees are:
• Full-time students (early /late): 400.00 / 500.00 GBP
• Part-time students / Academics: (early / late): 500.00 / 600.00 GBP
• Industry (early / late): 900.00 / 1000.00 GBP
The early registration deadline is July 12, 2010. Inquiries regarding registrations and accommodation should be directed to Mrs. Maggie Button (email: M.Burton at, Phone: +44 1483 686140.)
4. IEEE CIS Student Travel Grants
The IEEE Computational Intelligence Society is able to provide four student travel grants to participants of the SSS-TIA’2010, including one international student outside Europe, one from Europe outside UK, and two from UK. If you want to apply for a travel scholarship, please visit IEEE CIS Summer School Webpage at If you have any questions regarding student travel grant, you may contact Dr. Moufid Harb (Email: mharbh at, Chair of the Summer School Subcommittee of the IEEE CIS.
Please contact Prof Yaochu Jin (Email: Yaochu.Jin at, Phone: +44 1483 686037), Department of Computing, University of Surrey, UK for general enquiries.
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