Connectionists: Call For Participation: IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning 2010
Ian Fasel
ianfasel at
Sun Jul 4 17:25:46 EDT 2010
Call For Participation
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor USA
18-21 August 2010, Ann Arbor, USA
This is an invitation to attend the
Ninth IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning 2010.
The conference will be composed of a single track with 4 keynote
addresses, 24 oral paper presentations, 30 full paper posters, and
poster highlights. ICDL-2010 will be held at the Rackham Building,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, 18-21 August 2010.
Registration is required to attend. See below for:
A. General Information
B. Topical Scope
C. Registration Information
D. Student Travel Scholarships for Full-Time Students
E. Keynote Addresses
F. Detailed Congress Schedules/Programs
G. Location of ICDL 2010
H. List of Co-Sponsors of ICDL 2010
We look forward to seeing you in August.
General Co-Chairs
Professor Benjamin Kuipers, University of Michigan
Professor Thomas Shultz, McGill University
Program Co-Chairs
Professor Alexander Stoytchev, Iowa State University
Professor Chen Yu, Indiana University
A. General Information:
B. Topical Scope:
The goal of the Ninth IEEE International Conference on Development and
Learning is to bring together leading researchers in robotics, machine
learning, neuroscience, and developmental psychology, in order to gain
new insights about learning and development in natural organisms and
robots. The scope of developmental processes to be considered is
broad, including cognitive, social, emotional, and many other skills
exhibited by humans and other animals.
C. Registration Information:
D. Financial Assistantship for full-Time Students:
Thanks to a generous gift from Microsoft Research, we can offer up to
eight (8) student travel scholarships of $200 each, for graduate
students attending ICDL-2010. (If additional funds become available,
we may make more and/or larger awards.) The awards will be made, and
funds distributed, at the conference.
To apply, please send a hardcopy letter to Prof. Benjamin Kuipers,
University of Michigan, Computer Science & Engineering Division, 2260
Hayward Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
The letter should be on your university letterhead. Please provide:
- your name
- mailing address
- email address
- whether you are the author of a paper or poster to be presented
- your estimated travel expenses for attending ICDL
- a signed endorsement by your advisor
The letter must be received by July 20, 2010.
E. Keynote Addresses:
F. Detailed Conference Schedules/Programs:
G. Location of ICDL:
H. List of Co-Sponsors of ICDL 2010:
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