Connectionists: PhD Position: Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience

Georg Dorffner georg.dorffner at
Fri Feb 19 12:32:25 EST 2010

PhD Student Position
Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience
                                          at the Dept. Cognitive 
Neurobiology, Center for Brain Research,
Med. Univ. Vienna

A PhD student position is available at the Center for Brain Research, 
Med. Univ. Vienna, Austria in the lab of Prof. Thomas Klausberger 
supported by an ERC Starting grant (salary 29.900 EUR per year before 
tax). Research work will be co-supervised by Prof. Georg Dorffner, 
Center for Medical Statistics, Informatics and Intelligent Systems.

The successful candidate should have a strong computational/mathematical 
background, experience in pattern recognition and signal analysis, and a 
curiosity about cortical circuits and cognitive behaviour and should 
hold a Master degree or equivalent.

The lab of T. Klausberger investigates how identified cortical neurons 
contribute to network operations, oscillations and cognitive behaviour. 
The techniques used include in vivo electrophysiology in rodents, 
cognitive tasks, multi-channel spike and local field potential analysis, 
immunofluorescence microscopy, Neurolucida 3D reconstructions of neurons 
and electron microscopy. The lab of G. Dorffner is specialised in 
advanced pattern recognition and signal analysis with a focus on 
electrophysiological biosignals, as well as in neuroinformatics.

Applications including CV and a statement on scientific interests should 
be addressed until March 20, 2010, to Prof. Thomas Klausberger, 
thomas.klausberger at 
<mailto:thomas.klausberger at>


Klausberger et al., Nature 2003
Tukker et al., J. Neurosci. 2007
Fuentealba et al., Neuron 2008
Klausberger & Somogyi, Science 2008

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