Connectionists: Active Vision Symposium at AISB 2011 - 2nd Call For Papers
Simon O'Keefe
sok at
Mon Dec 20 11:27:38 EST 2010
Architectures for Active Vision
A Symposium of the AISB Convention
4 - 5 April 2011
University of York, United Kingdom
Supported by the
Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour
The symposium theme is 'Architectures for Active Vision'. Contributions
from researchers interested in the control of vision and visual
attention are sought. Vision is arguably the most researched function of
the brain. Nonetheless, high level visual information processing is
still poorly understood.
A major problem in perception is the volume of information acquired by
the body's sensors. Passive approaches to selection of information may
deal with the overload by focussing processing on particularly salient
inputs. Active vision takes the further step of directing the
acquisition of information in a goal-directed manner, in which top-down
information plays an important role, possibly overriding saliency in
selection of actions. This shift in perspective connects vision with
important issues for cognitive systems as a whole, such as action
selection, planning and goal-driven behaviour
The aim of the symposium to bring together researchers and research
groups with interests including (but not limited to)
* Brain architectures for active vision
* The neural basis for action selection, particularly in vision
* High level modelling in software and hardware of structure or
mechanisms from the visual system.
Contributions may span experiment and theory from neurobiology, through
cognition to bio-inspired software/hardware applications.
The symposium will be two days duration (4 - 5 April). The first day
will consist of presentations of refereed work from participants, to
share the ideas which contribute to the second day discussions. The
second day will be built around a facilitated panel discussion aimed at
the development of ideas (and proposals) for further collaborative work.
Invited speakers will set the tone of the symposium, and a poster
session will allow wider participation.
The AISB Convention as a whole will include 11 individual symposia. All
meals, facilities and social events are shared by the Convention in
common. All symposium participants must register for the convention (not
for individual symposia). More details about the convention can be found
at their website:
How to contribute to the Symposium
Papers of about 6 - 8 pages that respond to the topics listed above are
invited. Papers should include an abstract of not more than 200 words
and should be submitted as an anonymous PDF file (that it, with name and
affiliation details omitted) by email (including your name and contact
details) to the Symposium organiser, Simon O'Keefe, at
simon.okeefe at, by 10th January 2011. Submissions will be
acknowledged within 7 days.
Accepted papers will be included in the Symposium and Convention
proceedings, published by AISB.
Expressions of interest in attending the symposium (but without giving a
paper) are also invited, in the form of an abstract of no more than 200
words indicating your background and interest in the subject of the
symposium. Send these as plain text emails to the organiser.
Programme Committee for this symposium
* Jim Austin (University of York)
* Netta Cohen (University of Leeds)
* Kevin Gurney (University of Sheffield)
* Marc de Kamps (University of Leeds)
* Simon O'Keefe (University of York)
* Tom Stafford (University of Sheffield)
* Thomas Wennekers (University of Plymouth)
* Stefan Wermter (University of Hamburg)
Important dates
10th January 2011 - Submissions due
7st February 2011 - Decisions on acceptance
28th February 2011 - Camera ready copies due
(tbc - check website) - Early registration deadline
4-7 April 2011 - AISB 2011 convention
Symposium URL:
Dr Simon O'Keefe <sok at> EXT +44(0)1904 325375 INT 5375
Dept of Computer Science, University of York, York, YO10 5GH (U.K.)
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