Connectionists: Special issue on Hierarchy and Dynamics in Neural Networks

Marcus Kaiser m.kaiser at
Tue Aug 24 14:44:16 EDT 2010

Dear all,

Hierarchy is a central feature in the organization of complex neural
networks. This topic is an emerging key question in neuroscience, as well as
generally in the field of network science, due to its links with concepts of
control, efficiency, and development across scales.

The contributed articles of our special issue on 'Hierarchy and Dynamics in
Neural Networks' have now appeared in Frontiers in Neuroinformatics. For
your information, these articles are listed below and a two-page overview
can be found in the editorial ( ).

Perception and hierarchical dynamics
Stefan J Kiebel, Jean Daunizeau and Karl J Friston

Hierarchical modularity in human brain functional networks
David Meunier, Renaud Lambiotte, Alex Fornito, Karen Ersche and Edward T

Interplay between topology and dynamics in excitation patterns on
hierarchical graphs
Marc Hütt and Annick Lesne

Signal propagation in cortical networks: a digital signal processing
Francisco A Rodrigues and Luciano da F Costa

Cortical hubs form a module for multisensory integration on top of the
hierarchy of cortical networks
Gorka Zamora-López, Changsong Zhou and Jürgen Kurths

Criteria for optimizing cortical hierarchies with continuous ranges
Antje Krumnack, Andrew T Reid, Egon Wanke, Gleb Bezgin and Rolf Kötter

Optimal hierarchical modular topologies for producing limited sustained
activation of neural networks
Marcus Kaiser and Claus C Hilgetag

Extending stability through hierarchical clusters in Echo State Networks
Sarah Jarvis, Stefan Rotter and Ulrich Egert

Hierarchy and dynamics of neural networks (editorial)
Marcus Kaiser, Claus C Hilgetag and Rolf Kötter


Marcus Kaiser, Ph.D.
Reader (Associate Professor) in Neuroinformatics
School of Computing Science
Newcastle University
Claremont Tower
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, UK 

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