Connectionists: PhD Studentships in Computational Neuroscience and Neural Networks

Volker Steuber v.steuber at
Fri Apr 23 09:38:26 EDT 2010

PhD Studentships in Computational Neuroscience and Neural Networks

Science and Technology Research Institute
University of Hertfordshire

Applications are invited for PhD studentships in the Biological and 
Neural Computation Group at the Science and Technology Research 
Institute at the University of Hertfordshire. Possible projects include:

- Applications of Neural Networks and Other Machine Learning Techniques
- Associative Memory in Biologically Detailed Models of Neural Networks
- Interactions between Learning and Network Dynamics in Neural Circuits

More detailed project descriptions and an application form can be found 

Applicants should have excellent computational and numerical skills and 
a good first degree in maths, computer science, physics, neuroscience, 
biology or a related discipline. Previous experience in neuroscience is 
not required but would be an advantage. Successful candidates will 
receive an approximately  £13,500 per annum bursary plus the payment of 
the standard UK student fees.

Research in Computer Science at the University of Hertfordshire has been 
recognized as excellent by the latest Research Assessment Exercise, with 
55% of the research submitted being rated as world leading or 
internationally excellent. The Science and Technology Research Institute 
provides a very stimulating environment, offering a large number of 
specialized and interdisciplinary seminars as well as general training 
opportunities. The University of Hertfordshire is located in Hatfield, 
just north of London.

For informal inquiries contact Dr Neil Davey (n.davey at or Dr 
Reinoud Maex (r.maex1 at Application forms should be returned 
to Mrs Lorraine Nicholls, 9AB, Tel: 01707 286083, Research Student 
Administrator, STRI, University of Hertfordshire, College Lane, 
Hatfield, Herts, AL10, l.nicholls @ The short-listing 
process will begin on 19 May 2010. Interviews will be held in the first 
week in June 2010.

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