Nadia Berthouze n.berthouze at
Wed Oct 7 16:21:53 EDT 2009

9th International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics – Modeling Cognitive 
Development in Robotic Systems
Venice, Italy, 12th-14th november, Centro Culturale Don Orione Artigianelli
Registration is now open!
=== Keynote speakers:
Kim Bard, University of Portsmouth, UK
Cynthia Breazeal, MIT Media Lab, US
Heidi Keller, University of Osnabrück, Germany
David Leavens, Sussex University, UK
=== Topics
Epigenetic robotics includes the two-fold goal of understanding 
biological systems by the interdisciplinary integration between 
social/life and engineering sciences and, simultaneously, that of 
enabling robots and other artificial systems to autonomously develop 
skills for any particular environment (instead of programming them to 
solve particular goals for a specific environment). Interdisciplinary 
theory and empirical evidence are used to inform epigenetic robotic 
models, and these models can be used as theoretical tools to make 
experimental predictions in developmental psychology and other 
disciplines studying cognitive development in living systems.
This year's edition of Epigenetic Robotics will have a special focus on 
emotional and social development, particularly addressed by keynote 
speakers and special discussion and working groups. However, submissions 
are welcome regarding all aspects of the study of cognitive development.
=== 14th november afternoon: Joint event with the International Workshop 
on Intrinsically Motivated Robots, organized by the EU project IM-CLeVeR 
on November 14-17, 2009, Venice, at the same same than Epirob.
Topic: Intrinsic Motivation and Socio-Emotional Development
==Keynote speakers:
Jacqueline Nadel, CNRS, Université Pierre-et-Maris Curie/La Salpétrière, 
Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, INRIA, France
The workshop will start in the afternoon of November 14 with a joint 
session co-organized by EpiRob'09, FEELIX GROWING and IM-CLeVeR. This 
workshop will be free of charge for EpiRob'09 delegates, within the 
limits of space available.

=== Organizing committee
General and program chair: Lola Canamero, Univ. Hertfordshire, UK
Program co-chair: Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, INRIA, France
Publicity co-chairs:
Hideki Kozima, Miyagi Univ., Japan
Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze, Univ. College London, UK
Aude Billard, EPFL, Switzerland
Publication chair:
Christian Balkenius, Lund University, Sweden

We are looking forward to seeing you in Venice!

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