Connectionists: full professorship in neurotechnology
Klaus Obermayer
oby at
Mon Nov 16 09:20:28 EST 2009
Bernstein Focus Neurotechnology Berlin
and the
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Berlin Institute of Technology (TU Berlin)
is soliciting applications for a
Full Professorship in Neurotechnology
The successful candidate is expected to have extensive knowledge in the
field of "Neurotechnology" with experience in real-time detection of
brain states and the respective data analysis methods, as well as
experimental brain imaging techniques (especially EEG, but also MEG,
NIRS, fMRI) and technology development. Experience in a technical
application domain (e.g. brain computer interfaces, neuroergonomics,
augmented reality) and in the acquisition of third party funding is
desirable. Applicants are also expected to contribute to the teaching
within the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Master programs
as well as the Berlin-wide Master-/PhD-Program "Computational Neuroscience".
Berlin has a the rich scientific community in the fields related to
Neurotechnology, for example:
Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience:
Berlin School of Mind and Brain:
Excellence Cluster Neurocure:
as well as many research groups working on Machine Learning, Robotics,
Statistical Methods and Signal Processing at the School of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science of the Berlin Institute of Technology, see
Please submit your application (reference IV - 822) with the usual
documents by 11.12.2009 to the Präsident der Technischen Universität
Berlin, Dekan der Fakultät IV, Sekr. FR 5-1, Franklinstr. 28-29, 10587
Berlin. Full details can be found in the official call for applications
Prof. Dr. Klaus Obermayer phone: 49-30-314-73442
FR2-1, NI, Fakultaet IV 49-30-314-73120
Technische Universitaet Berlin fax: 49-30-314-73121
Franklinstrasse 28/29 e-mail: oby at
10587 Berlin, Germany
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