Connectionists: Call for participation --Beijing International Symposium on computational neuroscience, July 24-25, 2009

Dr Zhaoping Li zhaoping at
Mon Jun 29 20:09:18 EDT 2009

See details for participation in

The program is:
Day 1:
9:00-9:15 Welcome and Opening remarks

9:15-9:55 Ning Qian (Columbia University, USA):

Physiologically based models of binocular depth perception
9:55-10:10 Yongjie Li, Chi Zeng, and Chaoyi Li (University of Electronic 
Science and Technology of China)

Contour detection via an integration field model with adaptive 
facilitatory-inihibitory interactions.
10:10-10:25 Michel Vidal-Naquet & Sergei Gepshtein (RIKEN, Japan):

Adaptive template matching for stereoscopic vision.
10:25 - 10:55 Coffee Break

10:55-11:35 Misha Tsodyks (Weizmann Institute, Israel),

Synaptic theory of working memory.
11:35-11:50 Ziqiang Wei and Dahui Wang (Beijing Normal University):

A cortical network for sustainning multiple items during working memory 
11:50-12:05 Jian K Liu and Dean V. Buonomano (UCLA, USA):

Embedding multiple trajectories in recurrent neural networks in a self- 
organizing manner.
12:05-14:00: On site lunch and poster viewing (Posters from all oral 
presenters are also available in all poster sessions).

14:00-14:40 Jean Pierre Nadal (Ecole Normale Superieure, France):

Population coding: an information theoretic approach
14:40-15:10 Laurent Bonnasse-Gahot (Ecole Normale Superieure, France) :

Behavioral and neural consequences of category learning: an information 
theoretic approach
15:10-15:40 Coffee and poster

15:40-16:20 Tomoki Fukai (RIKEN, Japan):

Irregular neuronal firing and the minimal conditional entropy principle
16:20-16:35 Xiangying Meng, Qishao Lu, & John Rinzel (Beihang University, 

Pauses and delayed firing of auditory neurons, a minimal model.
16:35-16:50 Wei Wei and Fred Wolf ( Max-Planck-Institute for Dynamic and 
Self-Organization, Germany):

Influence of action potential onset rapidness to dynamic response of 
cortical neurons.
16:50 - 18:30 Poster viewing.

19:00 Banquet

Day 2:
9:00-9:40 Peter Dayan (University College London, UK):

Reinforcement Learning and Computational Psychiatry
9:40-9:55 Danting Liu and George Sperling (UC Irvine, USA):

Perceived Motion Direction of high-temporal frequency plaids
9:55-10:30 Coffee break

10:30-11:10 Si Wu (Institute of Neuroscience, Shanghai):

Routing information in neural circuitry.
11:10 - 11: 25: Yoonsuck Choe, Yoon H. Bai, Cheeyoul Choi, and Choongseog 
Park (Texas A&M University, USA):

Nature of texture: Visual or tactile.
11:25-11:40 Yong Liu and Tianzi Jiang (Institute of Automation, Chinese 
Academy of Sciences):

Altered functional connectivities in early blind.
11:40- 14:00: On site lunch and poster viewing.

14:00-14:30 Yuan Liu (Salk Institute, USA):

Models and Dynamical Analyses of Neural Systems for a Decision Making Task
14:30-15:00 Juan Gao (Stanford University, USA):

Can humans dynamically adjust decision strategies when faced with 
unbalanced rewards and uncertain stimuli?
15:00-15:30 Coffee break

15:30-16:10 Li Zhaoping (University College London/Tsinghua University):

Relative contributions by V1 and V2 to visual attentional guidance.
16:10-16:25 Yicong Meng, Eric K.C. Tsing, Stanley Y.M. Lam, and Bertram E. 
Shi (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Cortically inspired visual processing for robotics with the HKUST multimap 
>From 16:25 Symposium Ending Activities (such as round table, socializing, 
TBA), etc.


Symposium organizer: Li Zhaoping, email: at, symposium 
secretary: Ms. Li Zhou, email: lizhou at

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