Connectionists: LASCON 2010: Third Latin American School on Computational Neuroscience (call for applications)

Antonio Carlos Roque da Silva Filho antonior at
Tue Jun 16 13:52:19 EDT 2009

**** Apologies for cross-posting ****

3rd Latin American School on Computational Neuroscience - LASCON 2010
January 17 - February 9, 2010, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil


Dear Colleagues,

Following the success of the previous two editions of LASCON (Latin American
School on Computational Neuroscience), held in 2006 and 2008,  I am pleased 
announce the 3rd LASCON, which will take place between January 17th and
February 9th 2010 in Ribeirao Preto, Brazil.

LASCON aims at introducing advanced undergraduate and graduate students to 
use of computational and mathematical methods for modeling neurons and 
circuits. These models will be ilustrated with the use of programs like 
GENESIS, NEURON, XPPAUT and Matlab. The school will last for 24 days, and 
consist of theoretical lectures and hands on tutorials given by the 
lecturers and
computational exercises made by the students. Students also will have to 
work on
individual research projects, which they will present orally at the end of 
the school.

Lectures and tutorials will be organized into three tracks:
Track 1: Realistic neural modeling;
Track 2: Simplified neural modeling and phase-plane methods of analysis;
Track 3: Plasticity and Learning

The following people will be in charge of lectures and tutorials:
Alessandro Treves
Arnd Roth
Avrama Blackwell
David Beeman
Gennady Cymbalyuk
Reynaldo Pinto
Volker Steuber
William Lytton

There will also be some invited lecturers and tutors (mostly former LASCON 
students) who will help students and lecturers during the school.

The number of students is limited to 22 and applications should be made 
via the application form in the school's web page 
Applicants are also requested to submit a detailed CV (in English) and to 
provide two letters of recommendation. Costs for accommodation and meals 
will be covered by the school organization.

In the selection procedure, priority will be given to Latin-American 
students, but students
from other parts of the world are encouraged to apply as well.

The application deadline is September 10th 2009.

I am looking forward to see you in Ribeirao Preto.

Best regards,

A. Roque, LASCON Organizer

Antonio Roque
Departamento de Fisica e Matematica
FFCLRP, Universidade de Sao Paulo
14040-901 Ribeirao Preto-SP
Brazil  -  Brasil

Tels: +55 16 3602-3768 (office);
         +55 16 3602-3859 (lab)
FAX: +55 16 3602-4887
E-mails: antonior at
             antonior at

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