Connectionists: 2-year Postdoc position in Computational Neuroscience in Amsterdam

Arjen van Ooyen arjen.van.ooyen at
Wed Dec 16 10:19:39 EST 2009

Postdoc position in Computational Neuroscience

Applications are invited for a postdoc position in the Neuroinformatics 
Group of the Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research (CNCR), VU 
University Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The position is funded by the 
EU-FP7 grant for the Collaborative Large-scale Integrating Project 
Self-Constructing Computing Systems (SECO - Using a combined computational and 
experimental approach, the SECO project investigates the principles by 
which populations of real or artificial neurons can grow and assemble 
themselves into functioning circuits.

Our group participates in the SECO project in one of the workpackages on 
the identification of a minimal set of growth strategies for developing 
cortico-cortical and thalamocortical connectivity. On the basis of 
principles of cortical development, axon outgrowth and guidance 
strategies will be explored to form cortical connectivity. In particular 
we want to focus on the implications of competition and selectivity for 
the emerging connectivity. Axon outgrowth strategies will be implemented 
as algorithmic procedures into the 3D network generators used in the 
consortium (NETMORPH and CX3D). The patterns of connectivity arising 
from these strategies will be investigated as well as the robustness of 
these results.

Both 3D network generators NETMORPH and CX3D are themselves subject of 
other workpackages within the SECO project aiming at creating 
algorithmic models for neuronal morphogenesis in which cells develop 
through growth cone migration and branching, and formation of synaptic 
connections in interaction with their environment.

Ideal candidates should combine a strong neurobiological interest and 
knowledge of cortical development with a solid background in 
neuro-biophysics and extensive experience in computational modeling and 
computer programming. A candidate at Postdoc level is preferred (project 
duration is 2 years, at the latest starting at the 1st of March 2010).

The candidate will contribute significantly to the collaborative effort 
of the SECO consortium.

For further information about the position, please contact Dr. Arjen van 
Ooyen, arjen.van.ooyen at, or Dr. Jaap van Pelt, 
jaap.van.pelt at Application letters including a CV, research 
experience, a short statement of research interests, and contact details 
of two referees should be sent by email to Dr. Arjen van Ooyen before 17 
January 2010.
Dr. Arjen van Ooyen
Neuroinformatics Group
Department of Integrative Neurophysiology
Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research
VU University Amsterdam
De Boelelaan 1085
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands

E-mail: arjen.van.ooyen at
Phone:  +31.20.5987090
Fax:    +31.20.5987112
Room:   B-451

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