Connectionists: Dynamical Neurosceince: Agenda and Final Call for Posters
Glanzman, Dennis (NIH/NIMH) [E]
dglanzma at
Wed Sep 24 13:40:15 EDT 2008
16th Annual Dynamical Neuroscience Satellite Symposium
"Neuronal Variability and Its Functional Significance"
Abstract Deadline October 17, 2008
Preceding the 38th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience
Thursday and Friday, November 13-14, 2008
The Capital Ballroom of the JW Marriott Hotel
1331 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, DC
The brain is restless. Physiological data recorded from the brain often
have random-appearing components. Repeated stimuli evoke responses that
are not identical from trial to trial. Not too long ago this variability
was dismissed as noise and, through techniques such as signal averaging,
removed from further consideration. More recent work has begun to
examine the rich content of this variability and shed light on its
functional consequences. Neural variability and noise has become an
active field of research, generating a wealth of new knowledge and
This symposium will assess the current status of four related areas:
Characterizing Neuronal Variability
Larry Abbott, Columbia University, Contrasting Internal and External
Sources of Variability
Emery Brown, MIT & Harvard, How Well Do We Know What Single Neurons Do?
Dynamics of Neuronal Ensembles
Henry Abarbanel, UC San Diego, Dissecting and Modeling Neurobiological
Networks: Dynamical Electrophysiology
Anna Roe, Vanderbilt University, Beyond Correlated Noise: Evidence for
Intra- and Inter-Areal Baseline Biases in Temporal Coincidence
Neuronal Variability and Cognition
Daeyeol Lee, Yale University School of Medicine, Order and Chaos in
Decision Making
Akaysha Tang, University of New Mexico, Top-Down Versus Bottom-up
Processing in the Human Brain: Distinct Directional Influences Revealed
by Integrating Second-Order Blind Identification and Granger Causality
Charles Gray, Montana State University, Dynamics of Cortico-Cortical
Interactions in the Macaque
Charles Schroeder, Columbia University, Neuronal Oscillations as
Instruments of Sensory Selection
Stephen Lisberger, UC San Francisco, Variation, Signal, And Noise in the
Neural Circuit for Smooth Pursuit Eye Movements
Neuronal Variability and Brain Disorders
Helen Mayberg, Emory University School of Medicine, Modulating
Depression Circuits Using Deep Brain Stimulation
Terran Lane, University of New Mexico, Population Variability and
Bayesian Inference
Richard Stein, University of Alberta, Canada, Coding of Sensory
Information about Limb Position
Richard Coppola, NIMH, Bethesda, MEG Dynamic Methods in Neuropsychiatric
Nicholas Schiff, Weill Cornell Medical College, The role of the central
thalamus in behavioral variability following severe brain injury:
Circuit mechanisms and potential interventions
Keynote Address Presented by the inaugural recipient of the
Swartz Prize for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience
Organizers: Mingzhou Ding, University of Florida and Dennis Glanzman,
For programmatic information, please contact:
D. Glanzman <glanzman at>
National Institute of Mental Health
6001 Executive Boulevard, Rockville, MD 20857
Telephone: (301) 443-1576
Register for the meeting, and to submit a poster abstract
(October 17 deadline for abstracts) here:, or, contact:
Nakia Wilson <nwilson at>
Telephone: (877) 772-9111
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