Connectionists: PhD position in Computational Neuroscience (4 year contract), Radboud University Nijmegen
Ingo Bojak
I.Bojak at
Thu Sep 11 14:41:14 EDT 2008
Candidate profile
The successful candidate has a strong background in physics and/or
mathematics, is competent in applying numerical methods, and shows some
grasp of, and great interest in, computational neuroscience. The main
tasks of this research project involve theoretical calculations,
computer simulations and experimental data analyses, using MATLAB.
Specific methods and relevant background knowledge will be taught to the
candidate “on the job”, providing an excellent opportunity for an
enthusiastic researcher to specialize in an exciting new field.
Research topic
Neuronal oscillations in the gamma frequency range (30-100 Hz) play a
crucial role in information processing. Since gamma activity is
effective in activating other neurons, the question arises which
mechanism prohibits gamma activity to activate an ever-increasing number
of neurons. Many focal epileptic seizures start with an increase of
gamma activity with abnormal spreading. We will investigate the special
role of inhibitory interneurons in the generation of a robust gamma rhythm.
The hypothesis that some inhibitory regulation is disturbed in epileptic
patients will be tested using mathematical analyses and extensive
computer simulations of interactions between single neurons and
populations of neurons. The results of these approaches will be compared
to data in large databases at the Academic Hospital of the University
Utrecht, obtained by subdural recordings in patients with normal
task-related gamma activity and with epileptic seizures. The results of
this project may allow pro-active recognition of starting epileptic
Research environment
The Department of Biophysics of the Radboud University Nijmegen is part
of the Centre for Neuroscience ( within the Donders
Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
( The Donders Institute hosts many excellent
researchers and owns advanced infrastructure and equipment, such as a
PC-cluster for fast computer simulations.
The offered PhD position is part of a large project in Computational
Life Science, funded by the Dutch Science Foundation (NWO). The grant
also includes 2 post-docs and another PhD student, and is a
collaboration of several senior researchers at Radboud University and at
the Mathematics Department of the University of Twente.
Living in The Netherlands / Nijmegen
The Netherlands are well-known as a liberal and modern European country
with a unique and distinguished culture. It is one of most densely
populated urban regions of the world, but the vibrant border city of
Nijmegen ( also offers access to the beautiful
Dutch/German “Lower Rhine” countryside.
Estimated gross salary: from about €2050/month in the first year to
€2600/month in the last year (Dutch University Salaryscale 10), plus an
8% annual supplement and end-of-year bonus.
For more information, please contact Prof. Dr. C. Gielen
(S.Gielen at
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