Connectionists: PhD studentship in statistical natural language processing

James HENDERSON James.Henderson at
Wed Sep 10 09:58:09 EDT 2008

The following PhD studentship would involve work with neural network
and latent variable models of language processing.  People with
questions about in the neural network aspect of this project should
contact me.


Doctoral student position in Natural Language Processing,
     University of Geneva

The University of Geneva, Departments of Computer Science and Linguistics,
invite applications for a doctoral research assistant position in natural
language processing.  The successful candidate will be part of a group
whose research focuses on statistical models of natural language.  They
will participate in a project on integrated statistical models of
syntactic-semantic parsing for both English and French, with application to
spoken dialogue system and possibly machine translation.  For more
information listing our recent publications and current research projects,
see the web pages

Applicants will have received a Master's degree or  equivalent in Computer
Science  or Computational  Linguistics.  Good  programming  skills are
required.  Knowledge  of English and French is highly  desirable, and
good  mastery of  one  is required.   Previous  experience in  natural
language processing is a plus.

Funding is guaranteed for  3 years, with a possible extension for a
fourth year. Starting  salary 38'400 CHF. The doctoral dissertation
can be pursued either in the Department of Computer Science or the
Department of Linguistics, depending on qualifications.

The University of Geneva is one of the leading research universities in
and offers excellent working conditions, as well as a stimulating
scientific environment.

Review of  the applications will  start immediately and  will continue
until the position is filled. The appointment will start as soon as
the necessary work permits and documents are obtained, but no sooner
than the 1st of october 2008.

Applicants should  send a curriculum vitae indicating  all classes and
grades, a short statement  of interest, and names and email addresses of
at most 2 references.

Electronic applications  are  strongly preferred. Send your  application to
merlo at with CANDOC as the subject line.

If electronic application is not possible, send you application package

Paola Merlo
Linguistics Department
University of Geneva
5 rue de Candolle
CH-1211 Geneve 4

Informal   inquiries    can   be   addressed    to   James   Henderson
(james.henderson at or to Paola Merlo (merlo at

The University of  Geneva wishes to increase the  proportion of female
academic staff and, for  this reason, especially welcomes applications
from women.

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