Connectionists: Postdoctoral position in computational neuroscience
Maxim Bazhenov
bazhenov at
Tue Oct 14 13:48:11 EDT 2008
A full-time postdoctoral position in computational neuroscience is
available immediately at the Institute for Integrative Genome Biology
( and the Department of Cell Biology and
Neuroscience at the University of California, Riverside.
Research in our laboratory focuses on understanding cellular and network
mechanisms underlying normal and paroxysmal oscillations in the brain
and the role of neuronal oscillations and synchrony in information
processing and behavior. Specific projects include: (1) Studying
cellular and network mechanisms for normal (sleep, attentive states) and
abnormal (epilepsy) oscillations in the thalamocortical system; (2)
Studying role of oscillations and synchrony in olfactory coding — this
project is targeted to discover the general principles and the neural
circuitry involved in the encoding of sensory information in the brain.
More information about our research is available at
Successful candidate will join research team including computational
neuroscience labs from UC Riverside, UC San Diego and Salk Institute,
and will be responsible for designing network models based on
experimental data, model analysis and may be involved in experimental
testing of the model predictions. Qualified applicants are expected to
have experience in computational neuroscience including
conductance-based neural modeling. Programming experience with C/C++ and
Matlab is very desirable.
The UC Riverside campus is located in the heart of Riverside County
within 1-hour drive from the cities of Los Angeles, San Diego and
Irvine. The University of California offers excellent benefits. Salary
is based on background and research experience. The initial appointment
will be for 1 year with a possibility of extension up to 3-4 years.
Applicants should send a brief statement of research interests, a CV and
the names of three references electronically to Maxim Bazhenov at
bazhenov at or maksim.bazhenov at
Maxim Bazhenov, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience
University of California
Riverside, CA 92521
Ph: 951-827-4370
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