Connectionists: FW: Post-doctoral position at UCSD
Nuno Vasconcelos
nuno at
Wed Oct 1 12:42:16 EDT 2008
POSITION: Postdoctoral Fellow in Medical Image Analysis
LOCATION: University of California, San Diego
A postdoctoral position is immediately available in a project
involving machine learning and computer vision for medical
image analysis. The position is specifically related to the
development of image guidance techniques in cancer radiotherapy,
namely tumor tracking in fluoroscopic images. The project involves
a collaboration across two UCSD departments: the Center for
Advanced Radiotherapy Technologies, Department of Radiation Oncology,
and the Statistical Visual Computing Laboratory, Department of
Electrical Engineering. The candidate will interact with the
heads of the two laboratories, Profs. Steve Jiang and Nuno Vasconcelos.
A Ph.D. in engineering, computer science, physics, or related
with strong programming skills, is required. Experience with machine
learning and computer vision is desirable. Topics of potential
interest include interest point detection, visual tracking, dynamic
textures, feature selection, graphical models, and kernel-based
regression, among others. Training in clinical medical physics
may be provided. Initial appointment will be for one year with
potential renewal for a second year. Interested candidates should
e-mail a CV to the contact below.
Brianne Hennon
Research Administrative Assistant
Center for Advanced Radiotherapy Technologies
Department of Radiation Oncology
University of California, San Diego
3855 Health Sciences Dr. #0843
La Jolla, CA 92093-0843
Tel: (858)822-5036
Fax: (858)822-6078
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