Connectionists: Neurocomputing volume 72 (issues 1-3)
Tom Heskes
t.heskes at
Sun Nov 23 12:53:50 EST 2008
Neurocomputing volume 72 (issues 1-3)
(Machine Learning for Signal Processing ,MLSP 2006)
Machine Learning for Signal Processing (editorial)
Marc M. Van Hulle, Jan Larsen
Improving radial basis function kernel classification through
incremental learning and automatic parameter selection
Carlos Renjifo, David Barsic, Craig Carmen, Kevin Norman, G. Scott Peacock
Signal theory for SVM kernel design with applications to parameter
estimation and sequence kernels
J.D.B. Nelson, R.I. Damper, S.R. Gunn, B. Guo
A new information theoretic analysis of sum-of-squared-error kernel
Robert Jenssen, Torbjørn Eltoft
Bayesian estimation of time delays between unevenly sampled signals
Markus Harva, Somak Raychaudhury
Probabilistic approach to detecting dependencies between data sets
Arto Klami, Samuel Kaski
Blind source separation based on endpoint estimation with application to
the MLSP 2006 data competition
John A. Lee, Frédéric Vrins, Michel Verleysen
Wavelet-based separation of nonlinear show-through and bleed-through
image mixtures
Mariana S.C. Almeida, Luís B. Almeida
Speaker-independent model-based single channel speech separation
M.H. Radfar, R.M. Dansereau, A. Sayadiyan
Efficient Bayesian inference for harmonic models via adaptive posterior
Emmanuel Vincent, Mark D. Plumbley
Discovering speech phones using convolutive non-negative matrix
factorisation with a sparseness constraint
Paul D. O’Grady, Barak A. Pearlmutter
Enhancing the correntropy MACE filter with random projections
Kyu-Hwa Jeong, Jose C. Principe
Denoising of magnetoencephalographic data using spatial averaging
Stephen J. Redmond, Conor Heneghan, Kenneth E. Hild II, Srikantan Nagarajan
Extensions of transductive learning for distributed ensemble
classification and application to biometric authentication
David J. Miller, Siddharth Pal, Yue Wang
(Life System Modelling, Simulation, and Bio-inspired Computing, LSMS 2007)
Life System Modelling, Simulation, and Bio-inspired Computing (editorial)
Kang Li, Xia Hong, George W. Irwin
The noninvasive reconstruction of 3D temperature field in a biological
body with Monte Carlo method
Kai-Yang Li, Yong-Gang Dong, Cheng Chen, Shao-Ping Zhang
Clustering complex networks and biological networks by nonnegative
matrix factorization with various similarity measures
Rui-Sheng Wang, Shihua Zhang, Yong Wang, Xiang-Sun Zhang, Luonan Chen
A lifecycle model for simulating bacterial evolution
B. Niu, Y.L. Zhu, X.X. He, H. Shen, Q.H. Wu
A population-based artificial immune system for numerical optimization
Maoguo Gong, Licheng Jiao, Xiangrong Zhang
Evolutionary stability affected by energy flow in the bio-network
Hong-Bin Sun, Li-Hong Ren, Yong-Sheng Ding
ART2 neural network interacting with environment
Jian Fan, Yang Song, MinRui Fei
A Bayesian approach to support vector machines for the binary classification
Jiangsheng Yu, Fei Cheng, Huilin Xiong, Wanling Qu, Xue-wen Chen
Nonlinear-estimator-based robust synchronization of Hodgkin–Huxley neurons
Lingling Tian, Donghai Li, Xianfang Sun
Modeling and stability analysis of grey–fuzzy predictive control
Lisheng Wei, Minrui Fei, Huosheng Hu
Multimodality medical image fusion based on multiscale geometric
analysis of contourlet transform
L. Yang, B.L. Guo, W. Ni
A simplified GLRAM algorithm for face recognition
Chong Lu, Wanquan Liu, Senjian An
Highlighting heterogeneous samples to support vector machines’ training
Chan-Yun Yang
Exponential stability of impulsive Cohen–Grossberg neural networks with
time-varying delays and reaction–diffusion terms
Kelin Li, Qiankun Song
How to select an optimal neural model of chemical reactivity?
Maciej Szaleniec, Ryszard Tadeusiewicz, Małgorzata Witko
Kernel regression networks with local structural information and
covariance volume adaptation
J.Y. Goulermas, P. Liatsis, X.-J. Zeng
A protein secondary structure prediction framework based on the Extreme
Learning Machine
Guoren Wang, Yi Zhao, Di Wang
Neural network construction and training using grammatical evolution
Ioannis Tsoulos, Dimitris Gavrilis, Euripidis Glavas
Object recognition and tracking with maximum likelihood bidirectional
associative memory networks
Hong Chang, Zuren Feng, Xiaoliang Wei
Pixel sensor integrated neuromorphic VLSI system for real-time applications
Koray Karahaliloglu, Patrick Gans, Nathan Schemm, Sina Balkir
A multi-subunit spatiotemporal model of local edge detector cells in the
cat retina
Wang-Qiang Niu, Jing-Qi Yuan
A kernel-based fuzzy greedy multiple hyperspheres covering algorithm for
pattern classification
Lei Gu, Hui-Zhong Wu
Improved delay-dependent exponential stability criteria for
discrete-time recurrent neural networks with time-varying delays
Baoyong Zhang, Shengyuan Xu, Yun Zou
Nonadditive grey single-layer perceptron with Choquet integral for
pattern classification problems using genetic algorithms
Yi-Chung Hu
Two-parameter bifurcation analysis of firing activities in the Chay
neuronal model
Lixia Duan, Qishao Lu, Qinyun Wang
Two-directional maximum scatter difference discriminant analysis for
face recognition
Jianguo Wang, Wankou Yang, Yusheng Lin, Jingyu Yang
A fast pruned-extreme learning machine for classification problem
Hai-Jun Rong, Yew-Soon Ong, Ah-Hwee Tan, Zexuan Zhu
Incremental constructive ridgelet neural network
Shuyuan Yang, Min Wang, Licheng Jiao
Wavelet-based contourlet in quality evaluation of digital images
Xinbo Gao, Wen Lu, Xuelong Li, Dacheng Tao
Global exponential stability of Cohen–Grossberg neural networks with
distributed delays
Bao Tong Cui, Wei Wu
Structural identifiability of generalized constraint neural network
models for nonlinear regression
Shuang-Hong Yang, Bao-Gang Hu, Paul-Henry Cournède
Image recognition system based on novel measures of image similarity and
cluster validity
Chia-Yu Yen, Krzysztof J. Cios
Switching analysis of 2-D neural networks with nonsaturating linear
threshold transfer functions
Hong Qu, Zhang Yi, XiaoBin Wang
A granular-oriented development of functional radial basis function
neural networks
W. Pedrycz, H.S. Park, S.K. Oh
Stability analysis of stochastic fuzzy cellular neural networks with delays
Ling Chen, Hongyong Zhao
New criteria on global robust stability of Cohen–Grossberg neural
networks with time-varying delays
Jun-e Feng, Shengyuan Xu
An experimental study of the extended NRBF regression model and its
enhancement for classification problem
L. Ma, A. Wahab, G.S. Ng, S. Erdogan
The hidden neurons selection of the wavelet networks using support
vector machines and ridge regression
Min Han, Jia Yin
A support vector machine with integer parameters
Davide Anguita, Alessandro Ghio, Stefano Pischiutta, Sandro Ridella
Development of a new EDRNN procedure in control of human arm trajectories
Shan Liu, Yongji Wang, Quanmin Zhu
Image thresholding using a novel estimation method in generalized
Gaussian distribution mixture modeling
Shu-Kai S. Fan, Yen Lin, Chia-Chan Wu
Convergence of BP algorithm for product unit neural networks with
exponential weights
C. Zhang, W. Wu, X.H. Chen, Y. Xiong
A dynamic algorithm for blind separation of convolutive sound mixtures
Jie Liu, Jack Xin, Yingyong Qi
An adaptive policy gradient in learning Nash equilibria
Huaxiang Zhang, Ying Fan
Numerical bounds to assure initial local stability of NARX multilayer
perceptrons and radial basis functions
Eloy Irigoyen, Miguel Pinzolas
Evolutionary product-unit neural networks classifiers
F.J. Martínez-Estudillo, C. Hervás-Martínez, P.A. Gutiérrez, A.C.
An online Bayesian Ying–Yang learning applied to fuzzy CMAC
M.N. Nguyen, D. Shi, J. Fu
Shape recovery by a generalized topology preserving SOM
Dong Huang, Zhang Yi
Quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithm for continuous space
optimization based on Bloch coordinates of qubits
Panchi Li, Shiyong Li
The cerebellum: An incomplete multilayer perceptron?
Horatiu Voicu
Model optimizing and feature selecting for support vector regression in
time series forecasting
Wenwu He, Zhizhong Wang, Hui Jiang
A neural network-based diagnostic method for solitary pulmonary nodules
Chinson Yeh, Chen-Liang Lin, Ming-Ting Wu, Chen-Wen Yen, Jen-Feng Wang
Energy demand prediction using GMDH networks
Dipti Srinivasan
Population stochastic dynamics for synaptic depression
Wentao Huang, Licheng Jiao, Jianhua Jia
Binaural semi-blind dereverberation of noisy convoluted speech signals
Jong-Hwan Lee, Sang-Hoon Oh, Soo-Young Lee
State estimation for discrete-time neural networks with time-varying delays
Shaoshuai Mou, Huijun Gao, Wenyi Qiang, Zhongyang Fei
Avatar motion control by natural body movement via camera
Na Li, Chun Chen, Qiang Wang, Mingli Song, Dacheng Tao, Xuelong Li
Prediction error of a fault tolerant neural network
John Sum, Andrew Chi-Sing Leung
On the stability and bias–variance analysis of sparse SVMs
V. Vijaya Saradhi, Harish Karnick
A note on an extreme case of the generalized optimal discriminant
M. Loog, X.-J. Wu, J.-P. Lu, J.-Y. Yang, S.-T. Wang, J. Kittler
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