Connectionists: RSS2008 WS on locomotion control, June 28: Call for participation and poster-abstracts
Auke Ijspeert
auke.ijspeert at
Thu May 22 08:54:17 EDT 2008
Dear connectionists,
Researchers in locomotion control and learning might be interested in
the following workshop that will take place in Zurich, Switzerland, on
June 28 as part of the RSS2008 conference.
Best regards,
Auke Ijspeert
Control of locomotion: from animals to robots
Workshop at the "Robotics: Science and Systems" Conference */RSS2008/*
Zurich, Switzerland, Saturday, June 28, 2008.
*Auke Ijspeert <> *(EPFL, Lausanne,
Switzerland), *Paolo Dario
<>* (SSSA, Italy),
and *Sten Grillner <>*
(Karolinska Institute, Sweden)
Workshop website:
The goal of the workshop is to discuss how inspiration from the animal
kingdom can help improving locomotion skills in robots, and how robots
can be used as scientific tools in animal motor control. All aspects of
locomotion will be considered including materials, actuators, sensors,
control, and learning. In particular, the workshop aims at exploring how
these different aspects can collectively be designed to improve the
locomotor skills of future robots. We will discuss possible roads to
tackle the challenges related to having robots get out of the labs and
move in unstructured and partially unknown terrains.
While robotics has clearly something to gain from biological
inspiration, we will also discuss how robotics can give something back
to biology, namely how robots can be used as scientific tools in animal
motor control. For instance, how robots can be used to test hypotheses
about neural circuits and/or biomechanical principles in invertebrate
and vertebrate animals.
*Topics*: Neuro-mechanical coupling, central pattern generators,
compliant robots, passive and dynamic walkers, gait transitions, motor
learning, swimming robots, crawling robots, walking robots, jumping
robots, /etc/.
*Format: *The workshop will have an interesting mix of biologists and
roboticists as invited speakers (see list below) together with a poster
session, whose participants will be selected after an open call for
poster (see below). The workshop will be organized such as to provide
ample time for discussions. We aim at a 75-25% ratio between
presentations and discussions. We therefore suggest having each talk
followed by a discussion, i.e. an alternation between talks and
discussions. To guide the discussions, we will distribute beforehand a
set of strategic questions (emails to speakers and participants + on
this web page), and invite speakers and participants to exchange their
thoughts about them. For more information, see the workshop website:
*Invited speakers:*
***Paolo Arena*, University of Catania, Italy*
Holk** Cruse*, University of Bielefeld, Germany*
Paolo Dario*, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy.*
Robert Full*, UC Berkeley, USA. *
Sten** Grillner*, The Nobel Institute for Neurophysiology, Karolinska
Institute, Sweden. *
Auke Ijspeert*, EPFL, Switzerland. *
Hiroshi Kimura*, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan. *
Roger Quinn*, Case Western Reserve University, USA. *
Stefan Schaal*, University of Southern California, USA. *
Andre Seyfarth*, University of Jena, Germany.
*Call for posters*
Researchers in animal and robot locomotion are invited to submit a
*2-page abstract* for presenting a poster at the workshop. Accepted
poster presenters will also have the opportunity to make a *2-min poster
teaser* (i.e. a very short oral presentation) to advertise their poster.
Please send your abstract to auke.ijspeert at before *June 14*.
Feel free to send it before, since we will review abstracts as they come
in and we might have to restrict the number of accepted posters due to
space restrictions.
*Participants will need to register to the RSS2008 conference, see and
Note that the early registration for RSS2008 with a 100 Swiss Francs
discount ends on May 25 (i.e. very soon!).
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