Connectionists: Two PostDoctoral or Ph.D. student positions

Tobias Niemann tobias at
Tue Mar 18 06:33:59 EDT 2008

Job Offer: Two PostDoctoral or Ph.D. student positions

The Bernstein Center for Neurotechnology Goettingen (BCNT) invites 
applications for

Two PostDoctoral or Ph.D. student positions

in the project “Magnetic stimulation in cell culture and brain”. In this 
German-Israeli cooperation between the Max-Planck-Institute for Dynamics 
and Self-Organization, the Weizmann Institute (Rehovot, Israel) and the 
Medical School of Göttingen University, we will combine numerical 
simulations, experimental work on neuronal cultures and clinical trials 
to achieve a detailed understanding of the cellular effects of magnetic 
stimulation (TMS) and direct current stimulation (tDCS). With this 
background we hope to achieve a rational design of therapeutic treatment 
paradigms for these brain stimulations.

In this context two foci should be covered by the successful applicants:
1.	numerical simulations of neurons on various levels of complexity. In 
addition numerical simulations of electromagnetic fields in space with 
anisotropic impedance will be performed.
2.	experiments with magnetic stimulation in both, clinical trials and in 
vivo / in vitro model systems. The aim is to test and transfer new 
stimulation paradigms.
The successful applicants will get the opportunity to develop skills is 
both areas.

The successful applicant is interested in tackling problems in an 
interdisciplinary group and has a degree in neuroscience, physics, 
applied mathematics or engeneering and experience with numerical 

Goettingen is a university town with a long tradition and a vivid 
student atmosphere – and it is a center of neuroscience research in 
Germany. Besides the recently established BCNT and several institutes of 
the Goettingen University the neuroscience community also includes three 
Max-Planck-Institutes, the Bernstein Center for Computational 
Neuroscience, the European Neuroscience Institute, the Center for 
Molecular Physiology of the Brain and the German Primate Center. 
Goettingen will host the Third International Conference on Transcranial 
Magnetic and Direct Current Stimulation.

The initial appointment will be for two years, with the possibility of 
extension. Salary for the PhD positions is according to the German TVÖD 
(“Entgeltgruppe” 13 or 14, depending on qualifications) with benefits. 
We are committed to employing more disabled individuals and especially 
encourage them to apply. We aim to increase the number of women in those 
areas where they are underrepresented and urge them to apply.

Applications (including a statement of interest, CV, publication list, 
certificates, addresses of references) should consist of one 
pdf-document and sent to
Dr. Andreas Neef: aneef at or Prof. Walter Paulus: 
wpaulus at

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