Connectionists: NEURAL COMPUTATION - April/May/June - 2008
Terry Sejnowski
terry at
Mon Jun 9 21:38:32 EDT 2008
Neural Computation - Contents - Volume 20, Number 4 - April 1, 2008
The Diffusion Decision Model: Theory and Data for Two-Choice Decision Tasks
Roger Ratcliff and Gail McKoon
Spike Train Decoding Without Spike Sorting
Valerie Ventura
Constrained Subspace ICA Based on Mutual Information Optimization Directly
Marc Van Hulle
Dynamical Constraints on Using Precise Spike Timing to Compute in Recurrent Cortical Networks
Arunava Banerjee, Peggy Seriès, and Alexandre Pouget
Dynamics and Computation of Continuous Attractors
Si Wu, Kosuke Hamaguchi, and Shun-ichi Amari
Predictive Coding and the Slowness Principle: An Information-Theoretic Approach
Felix Creutzig and Henning Sprekeler
A Homomorphic Neural Network for Modelling and Prediction
Maciej Pedzisc and Danilo Mandic
Almost Periodic Solutions of a Class of Delayed Neural Networks with Discontinuous Activations
Tianping Chen and Wenlian Lu
A Study on Neural Learning on Manifold Foliations: The case of the Lie Group SU(3)
Simone Fiori
Neural Computation - Contents - Volume 20, Number 5 - May 1, 2008
Searching for Memories, Sudoku, Implicit Check-Bits, and the Iterative
Use of Not-Always-Correct Rapid Neural Computation
John Hopfield
Unsupervised Learning of Individuals and Categories from Images
Stephen Waydo and Christof Koch
Populations of Tightly Coupled Neurons: the RGC/LGN System
Lawrence Sirovich
Messages of Oscillatory Correlograms - a Spike Train Model
Gaby Schneider
Two Computational Regimes of a Single-Compartment Neuron Separated by a
Planar Boundary in Conductance Space
Brian Lundstrom, Sungho Hong, Matthew Higgs, and Adrienne Fairhall
A Sparse Generative Model of V1 Simple Cells with Intrinsic Plasticity
Cornelius Weber and Jochen Triesch
Phase Precession Through Synaptic Facilitation
Richard Kempter, Kay Thurley, Christian Leibold, Anja Gundlfinger, and Dietmar Schmitz
Parameters of Spike Trains Observed in a Short Time Window
Zbynek Pawlas, Lev Klebanov, Martin Prokop, and Petr Lansky
Sequential Fixed-Point ICA Based on Mutual Information Minimization
Marc Van Hulle
A One-layer Recurrent Neural Network with a Discontinuous Activation Function for Linear Programming
Jun Wang and Qingshan Liu
Neural Computation - Contents - Volume 20, Number 6 - June 1, 2008
Analysis of the Interaction Between the Dendritic Conductance Density and Activated
Area in Modulating-Motoneuron on EPSP: Statistical Computer Model
Gideon Gradwohl and Yoram Grossman
Discrimination with Spike Times and ISI distributions
Kukjin Kang and Shun-ichi Amari
A Canonical Neural Circuit for Cortical Nonlinear Operations
Minjoon Kough and Tomaso Poggio
Figure-Ground Separation by Cue Integration
Xiangyu Tang and Christoph von der Malsburg
Solving the Problem of Negative Synaptic Weights in Cortical Models
Christopher Parisien, Charles Anderson, and Chris Eliasmith
A New Multi-Neuron Spike-Train Metric
Conor Houghton and Kamal Sen
A Classification Method to Distinguish Cell-Specific Responses Elicited by Current
Pulses in Hippocampal CA1 Pyramidal Cells
Jose Ambros-Ingerson, Larry Grover, and William Holmes
The Berkeley Wavelet Transform: A biologically-inspired
Orthogonal Wavelet Transform
Deterministic Neural Classification
Kar-Ann Toh
Robust Boosting Algorithm Against Mislabeling in Multi-Class Problems
Takashi Takenouchi, Shinto Eguchi, Noboru Murata, and Takafumi Kanamori
Representational Power of Restricted Boltzmann Machines and Deep Belief Networks
Nicolas LeRoux and Yoshua Bengio
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