Connectionists: Postdoc positions: University of Pittsburgh

G. Bard Ermentrout bard at
Wed Jan 9 16:42:34 EST 2008

RTG Post-Doctoral Associate ( -- coming soon!)

The Department of Mathematics at the University of Pittsburgh invites
applications for postdoctoral appointment starting the Fall Term 2008
subject to final funding approval. The appointment is renewable
annually to a maximum of three years. The position will likely be
funded jointly by the University of Pittsburgh and a new NSF Research
Training Group (RTG) grant on Complex Biological Systems across
multiple space and time scales.

The research areas covered by the RTG include (i) the development and
analysis of mathematical models and computational algorithms for
solving spatio-temporal problems arising in biology and (ii) the
applications of these and other methods to problems arising in
inflammation and neuroscience.

To be successful, a candidate must demonstrate excellence in research,
and must also have strong commitment to excellence in teaching at both
the undergraduate and graduate levels. Candidates should be willing to
work closely with experimentalists and clinicians. All applications
must include the following: (1) a curriculum vita, (2) a personal
statement addressing their research agenda, (3) a
statement of teaching philosophy, (4) a completed AMS Standard Cover
Sheet form and (5) at least three letters of recommendation.
Applications should be submitted electronically through If the candidate is unable to submit
electronically, materials may be sent to: Postdoctoral Search
Committee in Complex Biological Systems, Department of Mathematics,
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. Review of completed
files will begin on January 10, 2008 and continue until the position
is filled.

The University of Pittsburgh is an Affirmative Action, Equal
Opportunity Employer. Women and members of minority groups
under-represented in academia are especially encouraged to apply. NSF
restrictions require that eligible candidates must be US citizens or
permanent residents.

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