Connectionists: CFP: ABiALS 2008 - The fourth workshop on Anticipatory Behavior in Adaptive Learning Systems
Giovanni Pezzulo
giovanni.pezzulo at
Wed Feb 20 06:58:38 EST 2008
Apologies for any multiple copies received.
The fourth workshop on Anticipatory Behavior in Adaptive Learning
ABiALS 2008
26 June 2008, Munich
(In collaboration with the euCognition Meeting "The Role of Anticipation in
Deadline for *four-pages abstract* submission: 14 April 2008
Full papers will be published as post-proceedings in the Springer LNAI
This year, ABiALS invites submission of four-pages (EXTENDED) ABSTRACTS to
be discussed (or shown as posters) during the workshop. Abstract submissions
should be sent electronically via email in pdf or ps format to:
giovanni.pezzulo at, indicating in the subject line "ABiALS2008
submission". Submitted abstracts should have a maximal length of FOUR PAGES
in 10pt, one-column format. Please use the LNCS Springer-Verlag style at Abstracts will be
reviewed for acceptance by the program committee and the organizers.
After the workshop, *authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit
a full paper* (up to 20-pages) for post-proceedings publication in the
Springer LNAI series, as has been done in 2002 and 2006.
ABiALS is an interdisciplinary workshop investigating the influence of
anticipations on behavior and learning. ABiALS is designed to help
investigate how anticipations can influence, initiate, and guide behavior
and learning as well as how anticipatory influences can be implemented in an
adaptive learning system.
In ABiALS 2008, expertise of researchers from various disciplines including
neuroscience, cognitive psychology, machine learning, artificial
intelligence, control, and vision research are combined to shed further
light on the concept of anticipation. Essentially, it is investigated how
knowledge about the future influences actual behavior, including influences
on attention, action decision making and control, as well as (behavioral and
model) learning.
Key interests include:
-Anticipatory mechanisms and representations for model learning
-Model-predictive, adaptive control architectures
-Anticipatory, adaptive systems / agents
-Distinctions of anticipatory mechanisms
-Anticipatory mechanisms in animals and humans
List of Topics
-Behavioral psychological and neuroscientific insights on anticipatory
behavior and future-oriented capabilities.
-Anticipatory functionalities and neural substrates for anticipatory
mechanisms in the brain.
-Anticipations in decision making and goal-directed behavior.
-Trade-off between simple stimulus-response vs. more complex anticipatory
driven behavior.
-Exploiting anticipations to direct or speed-up motor learning.
-Anticipatory mechanisms in motor learning and motor control.
-Anticipatory speed-up of sensory processing.
-Curiosity and novelty detection during learning and behavior.
-Epistemic actions for directed information search and directing attention.
-Modular integration of anticipatory mechanisms in cognitive system
-Suitability of predictive representations for anticipatory mechanisms.
-Hierarchical predictive and anticipatory architectures.
-Anticipations in interaction with motivations and emotions.
-Social anticipatory capabilities.
-Evolutionary development from reactive to anticipatory capabilities.
Important dates
Deadline for abstract submission: 14 April 2008
Notification of acceptance: 14 May 2008
Final version of abstract due: 1 June 2008
ABiALS 2008 Workshop: 26 June 2008
Full paper submission for post-proceedings publication: mid/end September
ABiALS 2008 will be held in collaboration with the Fifth Six-Monthly
euCognition Meeting "The Role of Anticipation in Cognition"
Venue: Room K13 Municon - Munich Airport Conference Centre (to be confirmed)
Important notice
We are applying for designing ABiALS 2008 as a "euCognition Official Event".
In this way euCognition members would be eligible to have all their travel
and accommodation costs reimbursed. Applying for euCognition membership is
free and very easy. More information will appear soon in the ABiALS website
Program Committee
We are contacting again the members of the ABiALS 2006 program committee:
Christian Balkenius, Edoardo Datteri, Oliver Herbort, Pier Luca Lanzi, Ralf
Moeller, Tony Prescott, Jesse Reichler, Alexander Riegler, Deb Roy, Samarth
Swarup, Stewart W. Wilson.
Giovanni Pezzulo Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies
(ISTC)-CNR, Via S. Martino della Battaglia 44, I-00185 Rome, Italy.
Martin V. Butz Dep. of Psychology, University of Würzburg, Röntgenring 11,
97070 Würzburg, Germany
Olivier Sigaud AnimatLab, Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6 (Lip6), 104
avenue de Président Kennedy, 75016 Paris, France
Gianluca Baldassarre Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies
(ISTC)-CNR, Via S. Martino della Battaglia 44, I-00185 Rome, Italy.
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