Connectionists: cfp: special session on constructive neural networks, ICANN 2008
lfranco at
Thu Feb 7 10:10:47 EST 2008
Dear Colleague,
We would like to invite you to submit a paper
to a special session on "CONSTRUCTIVE NEURAL
NETWORKS" that we are organizing and that will take
place at the 18th ICANN 2008, Prague, September 3-6, 2008.
The ICANN – International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks is
annual conference organized since 1998 by the ENNS - European Neural
Network Society in co-operation with the International Neural Network
Society and the Japanese Neural Network Society, and is a premier event
in all topics related to neural networks.
The special session, aimed to foster the interaction
between researchers in the area, will include
speakers from neural networks, discrete mathematics,
machine learning, etc. The idea is to present
and discuss, in a friendly atmosphere, recent
advances in the construction and application of
constructive methods for neural networks.
Contributed papers are due on March 3, 2008.
If you are thinking on submitting your work,
consider contacting us in case
you have any doubt or would want any further
details. You can find information about ICANN'08 and
in the following web address:
See also the call for the special session at the
end of this e-mail. Please, feel free to send this
message to your colleagues working on the topic of the
session and related areas.
Thank you very much and we look forward to your
Best wishes,
David Elizondo, Leonardo Franco and Jose Jerez
Session organizers
ICANN 2008
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks
September 3-6, 2008
Prague, Czech Republic
organized by
David A. Elizondo
Centre for Computational Intelligence
School of Computing
De Montfort University
Leicester, UK
Tel: +44(0) 116-255-1551, Fax: +44(0) 116-207-8159
email: elizondo at
Leonardo Franco
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Malaga
Malaga, Spain
Tel: +34(0) 952-133304, Fax: +34(0) 952-131397
email: lfranco at
José M. Jerez
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Malaga
Malaga, Spain
Tel: +34(0) 952-132859, Fax: +34(0) 952-131397
email: jja at
Purpose of the session
This special session will be devoted to constructive
neural networks and other incremental learning
algorithms that constitute an alternative to the
standard method using backpropagation. These
algorithms provide an incremental way of building
neural networks with reduced topologies for
classification problems. Furthermore, these neural
networks produce a multilayer topology, which together
with the weights, are determined automatically by the
constructing algorithm and thus avoid the search for
finding a proper neural network architecture. Another
advantage of these algorithms is that convergence is
guaranteed by the method.
A growing amount of current research in neural
networks is oriented towards this important topic.
Providing constructive methods for building neural
networks can potentially create more compact models
which can easily be implemented in hardware and used
on embedded systems.
The purpose of this session is to gather together some
of the leading investigators and research groups in
this growing area, and to provide an overview of the
most recent advances on the techniques being developed
for constructive neural networks and their
Other topics of interest include methods for
estimating what neural architectures are best suited
for a given problem, comparisons of different network
topologies and genetic or evolving methods for
architecture design.
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