Connectionists: FLAIRS Special Track on Neural Networks and Data Mining, Call for Papers, Sanibel Island, Florida
David Bisant
bisant at
Sun Aug 24 17:48:28 EDT 2008
Call for Papers FLAIRS-2009, Special Track on
Neural Networks and Data Mining
The 22nd International FLAIRS Conference (FLAIRS-2009)
Sanibel Island, Florida
May 19-21, 2009
Important Dates
Paper submissions due November 23, 2008
Notification letters sent January , 2009
Camera ready copy due February , 2009
Papers are being solicited for a special track on Neural Networks and
Data Mining at the 22nd International FLAIRS Conference (FLAIRS-2009).
The special track will be devoted to data mining with the aim of
presenting new and important contributions in this area. The areas
include, but are not limited to, the following: applications such as
Intelligence analysis, medical and health applications, text, video, and
multi-media mining, E-commerce and web data, financial data analysis,
intrusion detection, remote sensing, earth sciences, and astronomy;
modeling algorithms such as hidden Markov, decision trees, neural
networks, statistical methods, or probabilistic methods; case studies in
areas of application, or over different algorithms and approaches;
feature extraction and selection; post-processing techniques such as
visualization, summarization, or trending; preprocessing and data
reduction; data engineering or warehousing; or other data mining
research which is related to artificial intelligence or neural modeling.
For those interested in computational neurobiology, see the track on
Biology and Bioinformatics.
FLAIRS 2009 Invited Speakers
Eugene Freuder, University College Cork, Ireland
Arthur Graesser, University of Memphis, USA
Jan Wiebe, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Special Track Committee
William Eberle (Co-Chair) Tennessee Technological University, USA
David Bisant (Co-Chair) The Laboratory for Physical Sciences, USA
Jesus Gonzalez NIAOE, Mexico
Nitesh Chawla University of Notre Dame, USA
Diane Cook Washington State University, USA
Olac Fuentes University of Texas, El Paso, USA
Slawomir Zadrozny Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of
Hyoil Han Drexel University, USA
Geof Barrows Centeye Corporation, USA
Lawrence Holder Washington State University, USA
Jorge Ramirez Apple Computer, USA
SeungJin Lim Utah State University, USA
Eduardo Morales NIAOE, Mexico
Hyoil Han Drexel University, USA
Fred Petry Tulane University, USA
Douglas Talbert Tennessee Technological University, USA
Taghi Khosgoftaar Florida Atlantic University, USA
Martin Atzmueller University of Wuerzburg
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