Connectionists: Neurocomputing volume 71 (issues 10-12)
Tom Heskes
t.heskes at
Thu Aug 7 09:05:11 EDT 2008
Neurocomputing volume 71 (issues 10-12)
(Neurocomputing for Vision Research)
Neurocomputing for vision research (editorial)
Dacheng Tao, Xuelong Li
A comprehensive review of current local features for computer vision
Jing Li, Nigel M. Allinson
Separating corneal reflections for illumination estimation
Huiqiong Wang, Stephen Lin, Xiuqing Ye, Weikang Gu
Computational analysis and learning for a biologically motivated model
of boundary detection
Iasonas Kokkinos, Rachid Deriche, Olivier Faugeras, Petros Maragos
Spatial relationship representation for visual object searching
Jun Miao, Lijuan Duan, Laiyun Qing, Wen Gao, Xilin Chen, Yuan Yuan
Total variation norm-based nonnegative matrix factorization for
identifying discriminant representation of image patterns
Taiping Zhang, Bin Fang, Weining Liu, Yuan Yan Tang, Guanghui He, Jing Wen
Writer identification using global wavelet-based features
Zhenyu He, Xinge You, Yuan Yan Tang
Locality sensitive semi-supervised feature selection
Jidong Zhao, Ke Lu, Xiaofei He
A new extension of kernel feature and its application for visual recognition
Qingshan Liu, Hongliang Jin, Xiaoou Tang, Hanqing Lu, Songde Ma
An approach for directly extracting features from matrix data and its
application in face recognition
Yong Xu, David Zhang, Jian Yang, Jing-Yu Yang
Tensor Rank One Discriminant Analysis—A convergent method for
discriminative multilinear subspace selection
Dacheng Tao, Xuelong Li, Xindong Wu, Steve Maybank
A highly scalable incremental facial feature extraction method
Fengxi Song, Hang Liu, David Zhang, Jingyu Yang
Affective interaction based on person-independent facial expression space
Hao Wang, Kongqiao Wang
An evaluation of identity representability of facial expressions using
feature distributions
Qi Li, Chandra Kambhamettu, Jieping Ye
A robust multimodal approach for emotion recognition
Mingli Song, Mingyu You, Na Li, Chun Chen
Local face sketch synthesis learning
Xinbo Gao, Juanjuan Zhong, Dacheng Tao, Xuelong Li
Fusing gait and face cues for human gender recognition
Caifeng Shan, Shaogang Gong, Peter W. McOwan
A fingerprint verification algorithm using tessellated invariant moment
Ju Cheng Yang, Dong Sun Park
Feature alignment approach for hand posture recognition based on
curvature scale space
Chin-Chen Chang, Cheng-Yi Liu, Wen-Kai Tai
A segmentation concept for positron emission tomography imaging using
multiresolution analysis
Abbes Amira, Shrutisagar Chandrasekaran, David W.G. Montgomery, Isa
Servan Uzun
The HCM for perceptual image segmentation
Jonathan Randall, Ling Guan, Wanqing Li, Xing Zhang
Automatic design of pulse coupled neurons for image segmentation
Henrik Berg, Roland Olsson, Thomas Lindblad, José Chilo
Level set image segmentation with Bayesian analysis
Huiyu Zhou, Yuan Yuan, Faquan Lin, Tangwei Liu
Object tracking in videos using adaptive mixture models and active contours
Mohand Saïd Allili, Djemel Ziou
Automatic medical image annotation and retrieval
Jian Yao, Zhongfei (Mark) Zhang, Sameer Antani, Rodney Long, George Thoma
Visual music and musical vision
Xuelong Li, Dacheng Tao, Stephen J. Maybank, Yuan Yuan
Isotree: Tree clustering via metric embedding
Bai Xiao, Andrea Torsello, Edwin R. Hancock
Approximation to the Fisher–Rao metric for the focus of expansion
S.J. Maybank
A new sub-pixel mapping algorithm based on a BP neural network with an
observation model
Liangpei Zhang, Ke Wu, Yanfei Zhong, Pingxiang Li
Processing visual stimuli using hierarchical spiking neural networks
Q.X. Wu, T.M. McGinnity, L.P. Maguire, A. Belatreche, B. Glackin
(Advances in Blind Signal Processing)
Advances in blind signal processing (editorial)
Deniz Erdogmus, Danilo Mandic, Toshihisa Tanaka
Blind partial separation of underdetermined convolutive mixtures of
complex sources based on differential normalized kurtosis
Frédéric Abrard, Yannick Deville, Johan Thomas
An adaptive stereo basis method for convolutive blind audio source
Maria G. Jafari, Emmanuel Vincent, Samer A. Abdallah, Mark D. Plumbley,
Mike E. Davies
Partial separation method for solving permutation problem in frequency
domain blind source separation of speech signals
V.G. Reju, Soo Ngee Koh, Ing Yann Soon
Elimination of filtering indeterminacy in blind source separation
Kiyotoshi Matsuoka
A combined blind source separation and adaptive noise cancellation
scheme with potential application in blind acoustic parameter extraction
Yonggang Zhang, Jonathon A. Chambers, Paul Kendrick, Trevor J. Cox,
Francis F. Li
Independent component analysis of optical flow for robot navigation
Naoya Ohnishi, Atsushi Imiya
Blind separation of convolutive image mixtures
Sarit Shwartz, Yoav Y. Schechner, Michael Zibulevsky
Improvements on ICA mixture models for image pre-processing and segmentation
Patrícia R. Oliveira, Roseli A.F. Romero
On the decomposition of Mars hyperspectral data by ICA and Bayesian
positive source separation
S. Moussaoui, H. Hauksdóttir, F. Schmidt, C. Jutten, J. Chanussot, D.
Brie, S. Douté, J.A. Benediktsson
A robust model for spatiotemporal dependencies
Fabian J. Theis, Peter Gruber, Ingo R. Keck, Elmar W. Lang
Overcomplete topographic independent component analysis
Libo Ma, Liqing Zhang
Leap-frog-type learning algorithms over the Lie group of unitary matrices
Simone Fiori
Generalized splitting functions for blind separation of complex signals
Michele Scarpiniti, Daniele Vigliano, Raffaele Parisi, Aurelio Uncini
Blind separation with unknown number of sources based on auto-trimmed
neural network
Tsung-Ying Sun, Chan-Cheng Liu, Sheng-Ta Hsieh, Shang-Jeng Tsai
Structure learning by pruning in independent component analysis
Andreas Brinch Nielsen, Lars Kai Hansen
Factorisation and denoising of 0–1 data: A variational approach
Ata Kabán, Ella Bingham
Nonnegative matrix factorization with quadratic programming
Rafal Zdunek, Andrzej Cichocki
Sparse blind identification and separation by using adaptive
K-orthodrome clustering
Yoshikazu Washizawa, Andrzej Cichocki
Estimating the mixing matrix in Sparse Component Analysis (SCA) based on
partial k-dimensional subspace clustering
Farid Movahedi Naini, G. Hosein Mohimani, Massoud Babaie-Zadeh,
Christian Jutten
Blind source extraction: Standard approaches and extensions to noisy and
post-nonlinear mixing
Wai Yie Leong, Wei Liu, Danilo P. Mandic
Hybridizing sparse component analysis with genetic algorithms for
microarray analysis
K. Stadlthanner, F.J. Theis, E.W. Lang, A.M. Tomé, C.G. Puntonet, J.M.
Independent arrays or independent time courses for gene expression time
series data analysis
Sookjeong Kim, Jong Kyoung Kim, Seungjin Choi
EM-based semi-blind channel estimation method for MIMO-OFDM
communication systems
D. Obradovic, C. Na, R. Lupas Scheiterer, A. Szabo
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