Connectionists: ModelDB update and survey

Ted Carnevale carnevalet at
Tue Apr 15 17:05:46 EDT 2008

ModelDB is a searchable on-line
database that supports the field of computational neuroscience (CNS)
through convenient sharing of published models. It catalyzes advances
in CNS by enabling verification of published models--which is essential
for scientific reproducibility--and fostering attributed re-use and
extension of models.

As of April 15, 2008, ModelDB contains 367 models, implemented with
more than 30 different programming languages or simulation environments.
Model entries include downloadable source code, plus citations and links
to the published articles.


1. Have you published a computational neuroscience model that is not
already in ModelDB? If so, we invite you to enter it (please contact
tom dot morse at yale dot edu).

2. We would also like to hear if you have published any articles that
used information obtained from ModelDB, or mentioned ModelDB in
another context.

3. We are very interested to hear your comments or suggestions for
improving ModelDB.

Please send all replies to
   ted dot carnevale at yale dot edu
with the subject line
   ModelDB update and survey


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