Connectionists: AAAI is looking for good computational neuroscience work
Dave_Touretzky at
Thu Nov 29 02:28:44 EST 2007
Fellow Connectionists:
I'm on the program committee for the AAAI (Association for the
Advancement of Artificial Intelligence) Nectar track, and the
organizers are looking for interesting neural network or computational
neuroscience work that can be presented to the AI community. This
work can already have appeared in other venues; what they care about
is bringing interesting new developments to the attention of the
world's best AI researchers. You can read more about the Nectar track
in the call for papers below. Contact the co-chairs Regina Barzilay
or Sven Koenig if you have questions.
-- Dave Touretzky
Call for Papers: AAAI-08 Nectar Program
AAAI-08 will be held in Chicago from July 13-17, 2008. It
will again include the Nectar track (new scientific and
technical advances in research). This track aims to make the
most significant AI results presented at other conferences
in the last two years available to a broad AI audience. One
important goal of the track is to offer researchers the
opportunity to learn about areas with which they may not
already be familiar. Another goal is to encourage the sort
of cross-disciplinary AI work that has historically been
supported by AAAI.
The Nectar track will consist of papers that are based on
important results that have already been published in the
proceedings of at least one major conference in 2006 and
2007, as either a single paper or a series of
papers. Examples of such AI conferences include AAMAS,
SAT, UAI and WCCI. Examples of conferences in related fields
with relevance to AI include CIKM, COLT, KDD, PODS,
Papers that report on the application of AI techniques in
other fields, for example bioinformatics, may also serve as
the basis for Nectar papers. Authors of application papers,
however, are advised that they may find the conference on
Innovative Applications of AI (IAAI) a more appropriate
venue for reaching the AI community since those papers can
be longer and thus provide a clearer application setting in
which to describe the work. Papers that have appeared in
general AI conferences (such as AAAI, ECAI, IJCAI) or
journals (for example, Artificial Intelligence, JAIR) cannot
serve as the basis for Nectar papers since they have already
been presented to the entire AI community.
Submissions and Dates
We solicit short submissions of up to four pages. Each
submission should focus on a major result that has already
been published in one or more venues as described above. A
Nectar paper needs to clarify the relationship of the paper
to any other AAAI-08 submissions by the authors and cannot
overlap with them substantially. The Nectar paper should
cite the previous publication(s) and will typically devote
no more than one or two pages to summarizing the core
results. The remainder of the paper should be devoted to
putting the results, as well as the problem they solve, into
a context that is meaningful to a wide AI audience.
Nectar track papers will be presented as talks or posters at
AAAI-08. The papers will also be published in the conference
proceedings. Submitted papers will be reviewed according to:
(1) significance of the results to the broad goals of AI,
(2) potential for the results to influence research beyond
their original publication venues, and (3) clarity of the
presentation to AI researchers who do not have expertise in
the topic described in the paper.
Although papers will describe previously published results,
the paper itself must be original. Authors of accepted
papers will be required to transfer copyright.
Papers must be received by February 19, 2008. Decisions on
the acceptance of papers will be made by March 20, 2008.
Additional information can be found at
Regina Barzilay (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Cochair
Sven Koenig (University of Southern California), Cochair
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