Connectionists: Neural Networks: Special Issue 2008 "Neuroinformatics" Call for Papers

Neural Networks Editorial Office nnrev at
Fri May 25 02:37:07 EDT 2007

2008 Special Issue of Neural Networks

Neuroinformatics combines neuroscience and informatics research to 
develop and apply advanced tools and approaches essential for a major 
advancement in understanding the structure and function of the brain. 
The area of neuroinformatics has recently being submitted to a 
strategic analysis and planning process through the efforts of 
multidisciplinary expert groups, reporting to the MegaScience Forum 
and Global Science Forum of the Organization for Economic Cooperation 
and Development. These efforts have resulted in the emphasis of three 
main domains to be included in the term neuroinformatics:

- neuroscience data and knowledge bases, increasingly capable of 
handling the full complexity and organization of the nervous system, 
from molecular to behavioral levels
- tools for data-acquisition, analysis, visualization and 
distribution of nervous system data
- theoretical, computational and simulation environments for modeling 
and understanding the brain

In the United States, the Society for Neuroscience has also followed 
up on these initiatives, by establishing the Neuroscience Database 
Gateway -- serving as web-based モyellow pagesモ for neuroinformatics 
tools and database resources worldwide. Their effort has documented 
the extensive developments that have taken place over the last few 

The present Special Issue will highlight the combined areas of 
databasing, tool developments, and modeling, all included in 
neuroinformatics. Submissions are solicited that demonstrate research 
and developments at the transition between two or more of the three 
main domains of neuroinformatics. The special issue will present new 
international coordination capabilities that are being established in 
the field, the establishment of national research platforms in 
neuroinformatics, and example projects from multiple levels of 
neuroscience investigations, all including two or more of the primary 
domains of neuroinformatics.

Sten Grillner (Karolinska Inst.)
Jan Bjaalie (International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility)
Shiro Usui (RIKEN, BSI)

Deadline for submission: October 1, 2007
Notification of acceptance: February 1, 2008
Deadline for submission of revised papers: April 1, 2008
Notification of final acceptance: June 1, 2008
Deadline for submission of final papers: July 1, 2008
Format: as normal papers in the journal

Address for Papers:
Dr. Mitsuo Kawato
ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories
E-mail: nnrev at

Neural Networks Official home page:

   NEURAL NETWORKS Editorial Office
   ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories
   2-2-2 Hikaridai, Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto 619-0288, Japan
   TEL +81-774-95-1204    FAX +81-774-95-1236
   E-MAIL nnrev at

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