Connectionists: School in Mathematical and Computational Biology

Geoffrey Goodhill g.goodhill at
Wed May 16 22:05:17 EDT 2007

25 - 29 June 2007
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

You are cordially invited to participate in the 2007 Winter
School. This year's Winter School (the fourth in an annual series) is
designed to introduce mathematical and computational biology and
bioinformatics to postgraduate and advanced undergraduates,
postdoctoral researchers, and others working in the fields of
mathematics, statistics, computer science, information technology,
engineering, and the biological, chemical and medical sciences.

One important topic is presented each day through a mixture of
extended lectures, software demos, and interactive discussions. Our
lecturers, many of whom are leading national and international
authorities, are selected for their ability to make their topic
accessible to and exciting for a non-specialist audience. Each day
begins at an introductory level and proceeds to advanced topics,
covering both mathematical and biological perspectives.

Topics (2007):

Bio-image analysis, quantification and classification
Organiser: Nick Hamilton, Institute for Molecular

Modelling and simulation of cellular processes
Organiser: Kevin Burrage, ARC Federation Fellow

Prediction and modelling of protein structure and dynamics
Organiser: Thomas Huber, Molecular & Microbial
Sciences, UQ

Statistical analysis of gene expression
Organiser: Geoff McLachlan, Mathematics, UQ

Computational neuroscience
Organiser: Geoff Goodhill, Queensland Brain Institute

Speakers for the Computational Neuroscience component:

Tatyana Sharpee    (Salk Institute)
Tony Bell          (Redwood Institute)
Michael Breakspear (University of New South Wales)
Mandyam Srinivasan (University of Queensland)
Geoff Goodhill     (University of Queensland)


Geoffrey J Goodhill, PhD
Associate Professor
Queensland Brain Institute,
   School of Physical Sciences &
   Institute for Molecular Bioscience
University of Queensland
St Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia
Phone: +61 7 3346 2612
Fax:   +61 7 3346 8836
Email: g.goodhill at
Editor-in-Chief, Network: Computation in Neural Systems

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