Connectionists: Faculty Position (Tenured) in Robotics at University of Edinburgh, UK

Sethu Vijayakumar sethu.vijayakumar at
Fri May 4 12:09:00 EDT 2007

The University of Edinburgh invites applications from candidates, with 
research of international standing in the area of learning robotics and 
adaptive control or other areas of robotics that would complement 
existing strengths in the School, for appointment to a Lectureship 
(corresponding approximately to US Assistant Professor).
More details of the post can be found at: :: (Enter vacancy number: 3007382) 
and look under further details.

Informatics at Edinburgh:
Edinburgh is the only university in the UK to have achieved the top 5*A 
rating in Computer Science in the most recent government Research 
Assessment Exercise (2001). With 87.1 research-active staff submitted 
for assessment, it is also the UK's largest research group in this area. 
Edinburgh's Computer Science Department (Informatics) has topped the 
recent Guardian University Tables for Computer Science 

Edinburgh is one of the most attractive cities in the UK and is 
frequently the winner of various "quality of life" surveys of UK cities. 
It combines the architectural grandeur and cultural advantages of a 
capital city with unrivalled access to unspoilt countryside. The School 
will relocate in 2007 to the Informatics Forum, a new custom-designed, 
11,500m2 building that will house some 500 research staff and students. 
This, together with the adjacent Appleton Tower, which will house our 
teaching and commercialisation activities, will accommodate the entire 
School of Informatics on the Crichton Street site within the 
University's central George Square campus in Edinburgh's "Southside".

Application Deadline: May 24, 2007
Informal inquiries may be directed to: Sethu Vijayakumar 
<sethu.vijayakumar at>

Sethu Vijayakumar, Ph.D.              Reader (Associate Professor)
Director, IPAB, School of Informatics, The University of Edinburgh
2107F JCMB, The Kings Buildings, Edinburgh EH9 3JZ, United Kingdom
URL: Ph: +44(0)131 651 3444
SLMC Research Group URL:
Adjunct Faculty, Department of Computer Science  
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA 90089
Microsoft Research & Royal Academy of Engg. Senior Research Fellow

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