Connectionists: Open Positions: 6 PhD students and 1 Post-Doc - Bernstein Group for Computational Neuroscience Bremen
David Rotermund
davrot at
Tue Mar 27 04:15:15 EDT 2007
The new Bernstein research group "Functional adaptation of the visual
cortex" funded by the BMBF has been established at the Center for
Cognitive Sciences/University of Bremen. This interdisciplinary research
group works on selected topics in Computational Neuroscience, joining
theory and experiment to understand information processing in the brain.
The following institutes participate in the Bernstein group:
Institute for Theoretical Neurophysics
Brain Research Institute III (Theoretical Neurobiology)
Brain Research Institute IV (Human Neurobiology)
The aim of this Bernstein Group is to investigate neuronal mechanisms
underlying functional adaptations in the visual system by theoretical
and experimental approaches. The research program will comprise four
projects, investigating (1) theoretical concepts encompassing putative
neuronal mechanisms and structures enabling adaptive, selective
information processing in the cortex (Prof. Dr. Pawelzik), (2) adaptive
mechanisms integrating contextual information, prior knowledge, and
on-going cortical activity into coherent percepts (NN), (3) adaptive,
task- and stimulus-specific routing of information flow in visual cortex
(Prof. Dr. Kreiter), and (4) dynamic integration of temporal signals,
and fast control and adaptive learning under closed loop conditions
(Prof. Dr. Fahle).
Our integrative approach encompasses theoretical investigations and
modelling studies on different levels, tightly linked to experimental
investigations combining psychophysical experiments with
electrophysiological recordings of attentional modulation and
inter-areal communication in awake and behaving monkeys, and
complemented by psychophysical and fMRI experiments in humans.
Open Positions
Positions are offered for:
Project 1: Mechanisms and structures of adaptive neural information
1 PhD student (E13/2 TVöD) will primarily use theoretical approaches to
investigate mechanisms of adaptive computation in spiking neuronal
networks. The candidate should have a strong background in neural
network theory, and be also interested in testing newly developed
paradigms in biophysically realistic settings with large-scale computer
simulations running on our Linux cluster.
Project 2: Adaptive integration of contextual information and prior
knowledge into coherent percepts
1 Post-Doc (E 14 TVöD) will lead and shape the research activities in
this project. In parallel, this experienced candidate is expected to
coordinate the exchange between experimental studies and theoretical
work within the whole research group, hereby structuring the
collaboration between the different projects, as well as organizing the
exchange of ideas with external partners at the Bernstein centers.
1 PhD student (E13/2 TVöD) will perform psychophysical experiments (in
Prof. Fahle's Lab) on feature integration in visual cortex, guided by
theoretical work of the Post-Doc.
Project 3: Adaptive routing of information flow in the visual cortex
1 PhD student (E13/2 TVöD) will investigate attention-dependent signal
selection and dynamic routing of information in the visual cortex by
electrophysiological multi-electrode recordings in trained monkeys.
1 PhD student (E13/2 TVöD) with a comprehensive background in theory and
data analysis will identify basic neuronal mechanisms of signal
selection and dynamic routing of information. The candidate is expected
to study realistic models of cortical microcircuits based on constraints
from monkey experiments and psychophysical studies performed within the
Bernstein group.
Project 4: Dynamic integration of temporal signals and adaptive learning
1 PhD student (E13/2 TVöD) with a background in psychophysics will
investigate temporal factors in figure-ground segregation, object
representation and closed loop eye-hand coordination with psychophysical
methods in humans.
1 PhD student (E13/2 TVöD) will study multi-modal adaptation on
different time scales with spiking neuronal network models. The
candidate should be interested in identifying putative mechanisms of
fast adaptation and learning, and in establishing cross-links between
experimental work, learning theory, up to control problems in technical
Ideal candidates would be interested in pursuing research with a strong
emphasis on computational questions and their experimental investigation
in a tight interdisciplinary network. We also expect and encourage
candidates to contribute own ideas in shaping the project. Basis for
application is a successful graduation at a university in the field of
natural studies.
The University of Bremen desires to increase the number of women in
research and thus explicitly solicits applications from qualified women.
Handicapped applicants will be treated preferentially if their personal
and professional qualifications are equivalent. For additional
information, contact positions at or see . The project will start from April
2007 onwards.
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