Connectionists: Special Session on Complex-Valued Neural Networks ICANN 2007
Igor Aizenberg
Igor.Aizenberg at
Wed Mar 21 18:05:26 EDT 2007
Porto, Portugal, September 9-13, 2007
Igor Aizenberg, Texas A&M University-Texarkana, USA, igor.aizenberg(a.t)
Akira Hirose, University of Tokyo, Japan, ahirose(a.t)
Jacek M. Zurada, University of Louisville, USA, jacek.zurada(a.t)Louisville
The Extended Deadline for paper submission is 06 April 2007
The conference Proceedings will be published in Springer’s LNCS
The complex-valued neural networks (CVNNs) is a quickly growing area that attracts more and more researchers.
There were several CVNN Special Sessions organized during last years, for example, at ICONIP 2002, Singapore, ICANN/ICONIP 2003, Istanbul, ICONIP 2004, Calcutta, IJCNN 2006, Vancouver, "Fuzzy Days 2006", Dortmund. Everywhere these sessions had large audience, many interesting presentations and very productive discussions.
There are several new directions in CVNNs development: from formal generalization of the commonly used algorithms to the complex-valued case that are mathematically beautiful to the use of original complex-valued activation functions that can increase significantly the neuron and network functionality. There are also many interesting applications of CVNNs in pattern recognition and classification, image processing, time series prediction, bioinformatics, robotics, etc.
One of the most important characteristics of the CVNNs is the proper treatment of amplitude and phase information, e.g., the treatment of wave-related rotation-related phenomena such as electromagnetism, light waves, quantum waves and oscillatory phenomena. Very interesting among other CVNNs are those networks that are based on neurons with the phase-dependent activation functions. This specific phenomenon makes it possible to increase the single neuron's functionality and to design more flexible and more effective networks. It is also very interesting to study how these phenomena can be used in modeling of the biological neural networks.
ICANN-2007 in Porto will be a very attractive forum, where it will be possible to organize a systematic exchange of ideas in the area, to present the recent research results and to discuss the future trends. We hope that the proposed session will attract not only the potential speakers, but many researches who can join the CVNNs community.
Papers that are, or might be, related to all aspects of the CVNNs are kindly welcomed. We welcome contributions, where a fundamental theory is developed, as well as contributions, where different applied problems are considered. We also welcome potential contributions form other areas that are on the boarders of the proposed scope. Topics include, but are not limited to:
• Theoretical Aspects of CVNNs and Complex-Valued Activation Functions
• Complex-Valued Associative Memories
• Dynamics of Complex-Valued Neurons
• Learning Algorithms for CVCNNs
• Chaos in Complex Domain
• Feedforward CVCNNs
• Pattern Recognition, Classification and Time Series Prediction using CVCNNs
• Spatiotemporal CVNNs Processing
• Frequency Domain CVNNs Processing
• Phase-Sensitive Signal Processing
• Applications of CVNNs in Image Processing, Speech Processing and Bioinformatics
• Quantum Computation and Quantum Neural Networks
• CVNNs in Robotics
• Quaternion and Clifford Networks
Proceedings of ICANN will be published in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.
Paper length is restricted to a maximum of 10 pages, including figures.
Papers will be blind reviewed. Instructions for authors are given here.
An extended version of selected ICANN 2007 papers will be published in a Special Issue of Elsevier's journal Neural Networks.
Important Dates:
06 April - Extended Deadline for paper submission
14 May - Acceptance/rejection notification
11 June - Camera ready papers
29 June - Early registration
To submit your paper, please follow this link: p
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