Connectionists: Postdoctoral Fellow and Graduate Student Positions at FIAS
Jochen Triesch
triesch at
Tue Jun 26 13:01:54 EDT 2007
Call for Postdoctoral Fellows and Graduate Students at the Frankfurt
Institute for Advanced Studies
The Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS) at the Johann
Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, invites
applications from young scientists of exceptional ability for several
open Postdoctoral Positions and Graduate Student scholarships.
FIAS is dedicated to fundamental research on structure formation and
self-organization in complex systems. Relevant fields include
Theoretical Biology, Theoretical Chemistry, Theoretical and
Computational Neuroscience and Theoretical Physics. FIAS strongly
encourages interdisciplinary collaboration. It cooperates with the Max
Planck Institutes for Brain Research and for Biophysics in Frankfurt,
the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI Darmstadt) and various
institutes at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University. Additional
information on FIAS can be found at the website
Applicants for the postdoctoral positions are expected to have a strong
theoretical background and experience with quantitative mathematical and
numerical methods.
Applications in the following research areas are especially invited:
a) Theoretical Biology: 1) Development of new mathematical concepts for
systems biology and cell biology; 2) Applications to complex systems in
biology of relevance in immunology and medicine: (i) modelling adaptive
immune responses, (ii) theory of neuro-immune-interactions, (iii)
modelling diabetes, (iv) theory of irradiation cancer therapy, (v)
magnetoreception in animals and magnetic maps.
b) Theoretical Neuroscience: Modeling of functions related to
perception, attention, subsystem integration, sensori-motor coupling and
learning. Development of analysis tools for high-dimensional time series
obtained with parallel recordings. Implementation of brain-inspired
algorithms in robotic devices. Candidates should have a strong
background in computational neuroscience. Experience with experimental
approaches is desirable but not obligatory.
c) Theoretical Chemistry: Development of new methods: Electroweak and
relativistic quantum chemistry; vibronic structure theory. Application
of large-scale methods and of highly accurate ab initio approaches:
Fundamental symmetries and their violation, molecular chirality;
material properties (optical properties, magnetic properties, ionic
liquids, liquid crystals); reaction mechanisms (catalysis, ion
chemistry). For more details see
d) Theoretical and Computational Soft Matter and Biophysics: Positions
are available for simulations of ionic liquids, ferrofluids, charged
hydrogels, polyelectrolytes, and the study of heterogeneous nucleation
in binary colloidal systems. Experience with C/mpi and with efficient
MD/MC strategies for mesoscopic and atomistic simulations are expected.
We will mainly use our own simulation package ESPResSo
( More details about the research environment can be
found under
e) Theoretical Meso-Bio-Nano-Science: The MBN theory group (see studies the structure formation and
properties of a diversity of biomolecular, nano- and mesoscopic systems.
This includes biological macromolecules, atomic and molecular clusters,
fullerenes, nanotubes, nanofractals, endohedral objects, periodic
structures, microundulators, microdroplets, instabilities in
meso-bio-nano systems, optical, electric and magnetic properties. Under
study are the dynamics, folding, conformational changes and
fragmentation of these systems induced by collisions, fission and fusion
processes, temperature variation, by exposure to external electric,
magnetic, laser fields, clustering in systems of varied degrees of
complexity, clustering in biological systems, on surfaces, in thin
films, and in nanostructured materials. The work involves studies within
the frame of quantum many-body and density functional theories, quantum
and classical dynamics, electrodynamics, statistical mechanics, with a
strong emphasis on theoretical-physics methods and numerical calculations.
f) Theoretical Heavy-Ion Physics and Astrophysics: 1) Development of
nonequilibrium dynamical models for relativistic heavy-ion collisions.
Study of phase transitions in strongly interacting matter and their
menifestations in heavy-ion collisions and compact stars. 2) Study of
complex hadronic systems (exotic nuclei, superheavy elements) and
quark-gluon plasma in terrestrial and astrophysical environments. 3)
Structure of the vacuum in strong fields.
The Postdoctoral Fellows will conduct research in collaboration with the
FIAS Fellows, with scientists from cooperating institutions, and with
Ph.D. students. The appointments are for up to three years. A tax-free
scholarship of 30.000 EUR per year will be offered. Alternatively,
research assistant positions in externally funded projects remunerated
according to the German BAT scale may be available.
Exceptionally qualified students interested in the above research areas
are invited to apply for the three-year interdisciplinary Ph.D. program
of the Frankfurt International Graduate School for Science (FIGSS). The
students should hold a very good diploma or M.Sc. degree or an
exceptional honors B.Sc. They will be supervised by scientists from FIAS
and of the faculties of science at Goethe University. All courses will
be held in English; a TOEFL certificate is required. A tax-free stipend
of 1200 EUR per month (plus health insurance) can be offered to
successful applicants. For more information see
For interested students on the B.Sc. level a Master's program
Computational Science is available, which can serve as a preparatory
course for the Ph.D. program (see
Applicants should send a statement of research interests naming one or
two of the FIAS Fellows whom they would like to interact with, a CV, and
a complete list of publications to:
Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University
Max-von-Laue-Str. 1
60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
e-mail: fias at (for Postdoctoral applications) or
figss at (for Graduate School applications). In addition,
1 to 3 letters of reference should be sent to the above address. The
review of incoming complete applications will begin immediately.
Jochen Triesch, Fellow
Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies
Tel: +49 (0)69 798-47531
Fax: +49 (0)69 798-47611
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