Connectionists: Neurocomputing volume 70 (issues 13-15)

Tom Heskes t.heskes at
Tue Jun 5 04:13:59 EDT 2007

Neurocomputing volume 70 (issues 13-15)

(Selected papers from the 3rd International Conference on Development 
and Learning, edited by Gedeon Deák, Marni Stewart Bartlett and Tony Jebara)

New trends in Cognitive Science: Integrative approaches to learning and 
development (editorial)
Gedeon O. Deák, Marni Stewart Bartlett and Tony Jebara

A unified model of early word learning: Integrating statistical and 
social cues
Chen Yu and Dana H. Ballard

To each his own: The caregiver's role in a computational model of gaze 
Christof Teuscher and Jochen Triesch

Affordances, effectivities, and assisted imitation: Caregivers and the 
directing of attention
Patricia Zukow-Goldring and Michael A. Arbib

EEG evidence for mirror neuron activity during the observation of human 
and robot actions: Toward an analysis of the human qualities of 
interactive robots
Lindsay M. Oberman, Joseph P. McCleery, Vilayanur S. Ramachandran and 
Jaime A. Pineda

Information maximization in face processing
Marian Stewart Bartlett

Visual object concept discovery: Observations in congenitally blind 
children, and a computational approach
Jake V. Bouvrie and Pawan Sinha

Unique association between self-occlusion and double-touching towards 
binding vision and touch
Yuichiro Yoshikawa, Koh Hosoda and Minoru Asada

Segmentation of textures defined on flat vs. layered surfaces using 
neural networks: Comparison of 2D vs. 3D representations
Sejong Oh and Yoonsuck Choe

A probabilistic model of eye movements in concept formation
Jonathan D. Nelson and Garrison W. Cottrell

A model of Frame and Verb Compliance in language acquisition
Rutvik Desai

Towards a construction-based framework for development of language, 
event perception and social cognition: Insights from grounded robotics 
and simulation
Peter Ford Dominey


(Time series prediction competition: the CATS benchmark, edited by 
Amaury Lendasse, Erkki Oja, Olli Simula and Michel Verleysen)

Time series prediction competition: The CATS benchmark (editorial)
Amaury Lendasse, Erkki Oja, Olli Simula and Michel Verleysen

CATS benchmark time series prediction by Kalman smoother with 
cross-validated noise density
Simo Särkkä, Aki Vehtari and Jouko Lampinen

Time series prediction with recurrent neural networks trained by a 
hybrid PSO–EA algorithm
Xindi Cai, Nian Zhang, Ganesh K. Venayagamoorthy and Donald C. Wunsch II

Time series prediction of the CATS benchmark using Fourier bandpass 
filters and competitive associative nets
Shuichi Kurogi, Miho Sawa and Takamasa Ueno

Symmetric-embedding prediction of the CATS benchmark
P.F. Verdes, P.M. Granitto, M.I. Széliga, A. Rébola and H.A. Ceccatto

Time series prediction with ensemble models applied to the CATS benchmark
Jörg D. Wichard and Maciej Ogorza?ek

TVCAR models for forecasting
Federico Palacios-González

Time series prediction with a weighted bidirectional multi-stream 
extended Kalman filter
Xiao Hu, Danil V. Prokhorov and Donald C. Wunsch II

Forecasting the CATS benchmark with the Double Vector Quantization method
Geoffroy Simon, John A. Lee, Marie Cottrell and Michel Verleysen

Multigrid-based fuzzy systems for time series prediction: CATS competition
L.J. Herrera, H. Pomares, I. Rojas, A. Guillén, J. González, M. Awad and 
A. Herrera

Time series prediction using chaotic neural networks on the CATS benchmark
Igor Beliaev and Robert Kozma



On linear separability of data sets in feature space
Degang Chen, Qiang He and Xizhao Wang

A project neural network for solving degenerate convex quadratic program
Xiaoping Xue and Wei Bian

Nonlinear system identification with recurrent neural networks and 
dead-zone Kalman filter algorithm
José de Jesús Rubio and Wen Yu

Multi-program approach for simulating recorded extracellular signals 
generated by neurons coupled to microelectrode arrays
Paolo Massobrio, Giuseppe Massobrio and Sergio Martinoia

Exponential synchronization of stochastic perturbed chaotic delayed 
neural networks
Yonghui Sun, Jinde Cao and Zidong Wang

New criteria of global exponential stability for a class of generalized 
neural networks with time-varying delays
Huaguang Zhang and Gang Wang

Global exponential stability of delayed cellular neural networks with 
Yonghui Xia, Jinde Cao and Sui Sun Cheng

An entropy-based quantum neuro-fuzzy inference system for classification 
Cheng-Jian Lin, I-Fang Chung and Cheng-Hung Chen

Periodic solution for nonautonomous bidirectional associative memory 
neural networks with impulses
Zhanji Gui, Xiao-Song Yang and Weigao Ge

Incremental support vector machines and their geometrical analyses
Kazushi Ikeda and Takemasa Yamasaki

Robust exponential stability analysis of neural networks with multiple 
time delays
Zhanshan Wang, Huaguang Zhang and Wen Yu

Hysteretic Hopfield network with dynamic tunneling for crossbar switch 
and N-queens problem
P. Thangavel and D. Gladis

A self-organizing map of sigma–pi units
Cornelius Weber and Stefan Wermter



A novel hysteretic chaotic neural network and its applications
Xiangdong Liu and Chunbo Xiu

Comments and further improvements on “New LMI conditions for 
delay-dependent asymptotic stability of delayed Hopfield neural networks”
Xuyang Lou and Baotong Cui

Two-dimensional nearest neighbor discriminant analysis
Xipeng Qiu and Lide Wu

Recurrent network simulations of two types of non-concentric retinal 
ganglion cells
Wang-Qiang Niu and Jing-Qi Yuan

Training T-S norm neural networks to refine weights for fuzzy if–then rules
Xi-Zhao Wang, Chun-Ru Dong and Tie-Gang Fan

Statistical criteria for early-stopping of support vector machines
Tatyana V. Bandos, Gustavo Camps-Valls and Emilio Soria-Olivas

Liquid state machine and its separation ability as function of 
electrical parameters of cell
Grzegorz M. Wojcik and Wieslaw A. Kaminski

Stability analysis of a discrete Hopfield neural network with delay
Eric C.C. Tsang, S.S. Qiu and Daniel S. Yeung

Optimal solution to crossbar packet-switch problems using a sequential 
binary Hopfield neural network
Sancho Salcedo-Sanz and Jose A. Portilla-Figueras



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