Connectionists: Machine learning summer school 2007
Arthur Gretton
arthur at
Mon Jan 29 11:34:05 EST 2007
~* Invitation to the *~
==*== Machine Learning Summer School, Tuebingen, 2007 ==*==
Registration is now open for MLSS 2007, the 9th summer school in a
series beginning in 2002. It is intended for students and researchers
alike, who are interested in machine learning. Its goal is to present
some of the topics at the core of modern machine learning, from
fundamentals to state-of-the-art practice.
Monday August 20 - Friday August 31, 2007 (2 weeks)
Max Planck Campus, Tuebingen, Germany
Application Deadline:
April 1st 2007
Past Schools:
Email contact:
mlss07 at
Topics will be covered both in lectures (4-6 per subject) and in
practical courses (where students will have the chance to implement
methods for themselves), and are taught by world experts in their
fields. In addition, informal evening talks will cover a variety of
application areas in which machine learning has successfully been
applied. Material is directed both at outstanding participants without
previous knowledge in machine learning, and at those wishing to
broaden their expertise in the area; this includes PhD, Masters, and
advanced undergraduate students, postdocs, academics, and IT
professionals. The MLSS also provides an excellent opportunity for
interaction with top researchers in a broad cross-section of machine
learning disciplines.
Lecture courses
Andrew Blake Topics in image and video processing
Olivier Bousquet Statistical learning theory
Nicolo Cesa-Bianchi Online Learning
Arnaud Doucet Sequential Monte Carlo methods
Zoubin Ghahramani Graphical models
Gene Golub Linear algebra, computations and applications
Carl Rasmussen Bayesian inference and Gaussian processes
Gunnar Raetsch Introduction to bioinformatics
Bernhard Schoelkopf, Kernel methods
Alexander Smola
Yoram Singer Structured learning
Lieven Vandenberghe Convex Optimisation
Practical courses
Joaquin Quinonero Candela Gaussian Processes
Manuel Davy Sampling in practice
Matthias Hein, Spectral Clustering and other graph based algorithms
Ulrike von Luxburg
Matthias Seeger Variational Bayesian Inference
Yee Whye Teh Dirichlet Processes
Evening talks
Andreas Dengel Knowledge management
Uwe Hanebeck Information Processing in Sensor/Actuator Networks
Oliver Kohlbacher Bioinformatics
Joachim Weickert Image analysis and regularization
PhD, Masters, and undergraduate students are eligible for scholarships
that cover registration, accommodation and/or travel costs. Recipients
will be chosen based on academic merit and financial need. Due to
space constraints, we expect only to admit a fraction of all
applicants; however, the lectures will be videotaped and will be
available online through the site.
The summer school will be held for the second time in Tuebingen, a
town with a historic city centre dating from 1500. Tuebingen also
hosts one of Germany's oldest universities, and is the former
residence of Kepler, Melanchthon, Hoelderlin, Hegel, Hesse, and the
current pope. The Max Planck campus is located on a hill overlooking
the old town, and incorporates a common area and garden for informal
interactions between speakers and students.
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