Connectionists: CIBB 2007: second CFP
Giorgio Valentini
valenti at
Fri Jan 12 05:43:10 EST 2007
Apologizes for cross-posting.
************************** SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS **************************
CIBB 2007 - Fourth International Meeting on Computational Intelligence Methods
for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics
Hotel Portofino Kulm - Portofino Vetta, Ruta di Camogli (Genova), Italy
July 7-10, 2007
Conference website:
The main goal of this meeting is to provide a forum open to researchers from different disciplines
to present and discuss problems relative to computational techniques in bioinformatics
with a particular focus on supervised and unsupervised machine learning methods.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
sequence analysis; transcriptomics; proteomics; evolution and philogeny; comparative genomics;
bio-medical text mining and imaging; heterogeneous data integration for diagnostics.
For a more detailed list of covered research areas, please visit our website:
We invite to submit papers that will be published on Springer's Lecture Notes on Computer Science.
Selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to a special issue of
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine.
The scientific program will include, besides an invited talk of
Joaquin Dopazo (Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe, Valencia, Spain),
accepted papers that will be presented in plenary oral sessions.
Paper submission:
Papers must be written in Latex in Lecture Notes on Computer Science Springer format following
the guidelines for "Proceedings and Other Multi-author Volumes (
Latex templates can be downloaded from the Springer website or from the conference website.
Papers must be no longer than 6 pages, with an additional cover sheet stating paper title, keyword(s),
authors names and affiliations, contact author's name and contact details including telephone/fax numbers
and e-mail address, and an abstract no more than 200 words long.
Papers in pdf format should be sent in attachment by e-mail to infocibb07 at
All accepted papers submitted by registered participants to CIBB 2007
will be published in the Lecture Notes on Computer Science Series, Springer.
Selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version
for a special issue of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine on "Computational Intelligence
methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics".
CIBB 2007 is jointly organized by
- INNS, International Neural Network Society, SIG Bioinformatics
- BITS, Bioinformatics ITalian Society
- SIREN, Italian Society of Neural Networks
- DSI, Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Informazione, Unversità degli Studi di Milano.
- DMI, Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Università di Salerno
and in connection with WILF 2007 (
Important Dates:
Submission deadline: January 31 2007
Notification of acceptance: February 28 2007
Final papers due: March 31 2007
Workshop: 7-10 July 2007.
Roberto Tagliaferri, Università di Salerno, Italy
Giorgio Valentini, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Scientific Program Committee:
Klaus-Peter Adlassnig, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Pierre Baldi, University of California, Irvine, USA
Alberto Bertoni, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Paola Campadelli, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Nello Cristianini, University of Bristol, UK
Giovanni Cuda, Università di Catanzaro, Italy
Diego di Bernardo, Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine, Italy
Joaquin Dopazo, Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe, Valencia, Spain
Sandrine Dudoit, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Jon Garibaldi, University of Nottingham, UK
Emmanuel Ifeachor, University of Plymouth, UK
Nathan Intrator, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Nik Kasabov, Auckland University of Technology, NZ
Samuel Kaski, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
Natalio Krasnogor, University of Nottingham, UK
Luciano Milanesi, ITB CNR, Italy
Sushmita Mitra, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India
Marco Muselli, CNR Genova, Italy
Oleg Okun, University of Oulu, Finland
Alberto Paccanaro,Yale University, CT, USA
Giulio Pavesi, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
David Alejandro Pelta, University of Granada, Spain
Graziano Pesole, Università di Bari, Italy
Leif E. Peterson, Baylor College of Medicine Houston, TX, USA
Volker Roth, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Udo Seiffert, Leibniz Institute, Gatersleben, Germany
Anna Tramontano, Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy
Jean Philippe Vert, Centre for Computational Biology Ecole des Mines de Paris, France
We are looking forward to meet you in Portofino!
Roberto Tagliaferri and Giorgio Valentini
Giorgio Valentini
D.S.I. - Universita' degli Studi di Milano - Italia
Phone: +39 (02) 503.16225
e-mail: valentini at
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