Connectionists: CFP special session ASMDA 2007

Yann Guermeur Yann.Guermeur at
Mon Jan 8 05:46:29 EST 2007

	Dear Colleagues,

	I would like to inform you of the following call for papers.

	Best regards,

	Yann Guermeur

*** Call For Papers

The 12th International Conference on Applied Stochastic Models and Data 
Analysis (ASMDA 2007, will take place in
Chania, Crete, Greece from May 29 until June 1, 2007. It will include a 
special session entitled "Supervised Prediction with Neural Networks and 
SVMs". The papers of this session will appear in the proceedings of the 

During the last decade, significant advances have been made in the 
theory and practice of supervised classification, kernel machines as a 
prime example. They have deeply changed the way classification problems 
are tackled and generated many new approaches. It is especially the case 
for multi-category classification, which comes out as an independent 
field of research. The object of this special session is to collect 
contributions in the different domains of supervised classification with 
neural networks and kernel machines: bounds on the risk, feature 
selection methods, training algorithms and model selection methods. 
Efficient implementations of known inductive principles or complex 
kernel methods, are also welcome. Of particular interest will be 
contributions dedicated to multi-category classification.

*** Organization

* Program committee

- Koby Crammer, Department of Computer and Information Science, 
University of Pennsylvania, USA
- Yann Guermeur, LORIA, CNRS, France
- Yoonkyung Lee, Department of Statistics, The Ohio State University, USA
- Liva Ralaivola, LIF, University Provence/Aix-Marseille I, France
- Olivier Teytaud, LRI, INRIA, France

* Important dates

-Deadline for submission: February, 20, 2007
-Notification of acceptance: March, 10, 2007
-Final version of the paper: March, 15, 2007

* Format of submissions and submission procedure

Manuscripts should be in the format described at the ASMDA 2007 
conference website,
They should be no longer than 8 pages using the asmda2007.cls style 
file. The template is available at

Submissions (ps or pdf files) should be sent by email to the following
address: Yann.Guermeur at

Yann Guermeur                         Tel: (+33) 03 83 59 30 18
LORIA                                 Fax: (+33) 03 83 41 30 79
Campus Scientifique
BP 239
54506 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy Cedex   email: Yann.Guermeur at

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